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  • europium
  • 一种金属元素,银白色。用作彩色电视机的荧光粉,在激光材料及原子能工业中有重要的应用。

  1. 采用电解的方法将三价铕还原成二价。

    It is to reduce eu3 + into eu2 + with electrolyzation method .

  2. 啤酒花的萃取超临界萃取P(507)还原萃取一步提取荧光级氧化铕

    Extracting Fluorescence Europium Oxide by Using the Method of P_507 Reduction and Extraction

  3. 铕(Ⅲ)牛磺酸席夫碱配合物的合成、表征及其与DNA的作用模式

    Synthesis , Characterization and Interaction Mode of Complexes of Europium (ⅲ) and Taurine Schiff Base with DNA

  4. 铕-联吡啶配合物与DNA作用的研究

    Studies of the Eu ( bpy ) _3 ~ ( 3 + ) complex interaction with DNA

  5. 铕(Eu)原子的激光增强电离光谱的研究

    Laser - enhanced ionization spectroscopy of EU atoms

  6. X射线荧光光谱法测定钐铕钆富集物中十种稀土元素

    Determination of Ten Rare Earth Elements in Sm-Eu-Gd Concentrate by X - ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Method

  7. 5,7二溴8羟基喹啉与含N协配体对镅和铕的萃取研究

    Extraction of am 3 + and EU 3 + with 5,7 dibromo 8 quinolinol and some n synergic ligands

  8. 铕标记基因探针半定量检测丙型肝炎病毒RNA

    Semi-quantitative measurement of HCV RNA by Europium-labeled gene probe

  9. 铕和镧与吡啶-2,6-二甲酸配合物的NMR研究

    NMR Study on Eu and La with Pyridine-2 , 6-dicarboxylic Acid Complexes

  10. 铕离子探针研究Al2O3的相变过程

    The Phase Transition in Alumina Studied by Eu ~ ( 3 + ) Ion Probe

  11. 荧光法研究苯甲酸氮芥铕配合物与DNA的相互作用

    Study on the interaction between DNA and the complex of benzoic acid nitrogen mustard with Eu (ⅲ) by the fluorescence method

  12. 稀土元素模式曲线具缓右倾V字形,铕亏损强烈。

    The chondrite-normalized REE patterns exhibit a gently right-dipping V-type curve with a severe depletion in Eu .

  13. 配位诱导铕(III)/聚乙二醇-聚丙烯酸嵌段聚合物胶束的研究

    Study on the Formation of Eu ( III ) / PEO-b-PAA Micelles by Coordinated Induction

  14. 吡啶-2,6-二甲酸铕(镧)配合物结构的NMR研究

    NMR Study of the Complexes for Eu ( La ) with Pyridine-2 , 6-dicarboxylic Acid

  15. 近年来,稀土铕(Eu)及其配合物的研究极其活跃。

    In recent years , the research about rare earth element europium and its complexes has been extremely active .

  16. 铕钆铁氧体Eu(1-x)GdxFeO3的穆斯堡尔谱学研究

    Mossbauer study of Eu_ ( 1-x ) Gd_xFeO_3

  17. Ce(IO3)4中微量铕的分离和测定

    Separation and Determination of Trace Europium in Ce ( IO_3 ) _4

  18. 邻啡啰啉&吡啶2,6二甲酸铕二、三元配合物的NMR研究

    NMR studies of binary and ternary complexes for EU with 1,10-Phenanthroline and pyridine-2 , 6-dicarboxylic acid

  19. 高离化类Ne铕离子的双电子伴线结构的理论研究

    Theoretical study on dielectronic satellites to the highly charged Ne-like Eu resonance lines

  20. 掺铕GaN薄膜的Raman散射研究

    Raman Scattering Study of Eu-Implanted GaN

  21. 掺杂铕、铈离子对HAp/TiO2复合光催化材料的影响

    Effects of Europium , Cerium on Hydroxyapatite / TiO_2 Photocatalysis Compound

  22. ICP-AES法测定钒酸钇晶体中的掺杂稀土元素铒和铕的含量

    A Method by ICP-AES for Determination of Er and Eu in Doped Crystals YVO_4

  23. 氧化铕无基体匹配ICP摄谱定量分析方法的研究

    Studies on the Quantitative Analysis of Europium Oxide Samples Without Matrix Match by ICP-AES

  24. 稀土元素铈铕钆铽在小鼠肝脏中的分布与沉积的电镜与X射线微区分析术研究

    Study on the distribution and deposition of cerium , europium , gadolinium and terbium in mouse liver with electron microscopy and X ray microanalysis

  25. 硅酸盐体系白光LED用发光材料研究铕激活硅酸盐基质长余辉发光材料的制备与发光性能表征

    Study on Preparation and Performance of Silicate Luminescent Materials Used for White-light LED ; Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Silicate Long Afterglow Phosphors Actived by Europium

  26. MIBK对硝酸季铵N(7402)萃取分离铕(Ⅲ)、钆(Ⅲ)的影响

    Effect of MIBK on extraction of europium (ⅲ) and gadolinium (ⅲ) with quaternary ammonium nitrate

  27. 人尿中IgG的时间分辨荧光免疫分析法&以铕标记链亲和素作为标记物

    A Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay for Determination of Human Immunoglobulin ( IgG ) in Urine-Streptavidin-Eu (ⅲ) as a label in immunoassay

  28. 以二-(2-乙基己基)磷酸酯(P(204))/四氢呋喃/硝酸/多聚乙醛为展开剂薄层色谱法分离铕、钆、铽、镝、钬、铒等元素

    Separation of Rare Earth Elements ( Eu , Gd , Tb , Dy , Ho , Er ) by Thin-Layer Chromatography with Di - ( 2-ethylhexyl ) phosphate-Tetrahydro-furan-Nitric Acid-Paraldehyde System as Developer

  29. 结果表明:5,7-二溴-8-二羟基喹啉对镅的萃取能力略高于铕,分离因数βAm/Eu为1.29;

    The results show that in single extracting system of 5,7 dibromo 8 quinolinol the separation factor for Am and Eu is 1 29 ;

  30. 二价铕激活的Ba(1-x)CaxFCl体系及其发光

    Study of the eu ~ ( 2 + ) activated ba_ ( 1-x ) ca_xfcl system and it 's luminescence