
tóng luó
  • gong
铜锣 [tóng luó]
  • [gong] 一种铜制的乐器。带卷边的青铜圆盘,盘边穿孔结绳,可以一手提着,一手用锤击打就发出柔和而洪亮、能传得很远的声音

铜锣[tóng luó]
  1. 铜锣敲得铛铛响。

    The bronze Gong clanked .

  2. Talkingclock会说话的钟一个学生带他朋友们参观他的新公寓,甚是得意。“那个大铜锣和锤子是干什么用的?”他的一个朋友问他。.

    While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends , a college student led the way into the " den " " What is the big brass gong and hammer for ? " one of his friends asked .

  3. 您该在铜锣湾站下车,然后从A1出口离开车站。

    You should get off at Causeway Bay Station , then leave the station through exit A1 .

  4. 英国奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry)在香港铜锣湾(CausewayBay)购物区的门店每月租金约为100万美元。

    Burberry , the British luxury brand , pays about $ 1m a month in rent for its store in Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay shopping district .

  5. 法国奢侈品零售商路易威登(LouisVuitton)在铜锣湾有两家门店,全香港的路易威登店比伦敦的还多。

    Louis Vuitton , the French luxury retailer , has two stores in Causeway Bay and more stores across all of Hong Kong than in London .

  6. 周日,位于铜锣湾(CausewayBay)的这家书店没有开门。该书店地处香港主要购物区的心脏地带,楼上是一家美甲店,对面是一家博柏利(Burberry)专卖店。

    On Sunday , the bookstore in Causeway Bay , which sits underneath a nail parlour and opposite a Burberry store in the heart of Hong Kong 's main shopping district , was closed .

  7. 但房地产经纪商高纬环球(Cushman&Wakefield)的数据显示,随着中国内地游客削减支出的行为开始冲击到门店租金,去年年底,香港铜锣湾将全球最昂贵零售街区的桂冠拱手让与纽约第五大道。

    But as lower Chinese spending started to hit rents , Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay lost its crown as the world 's most expensive retail district to Fifth Avenue at the end of last year , according to Cushman & Wakefield , a property agency .

  8. 只接受铜锣湾点点红服务中心作交收。

    Only could be collected at red-dots Causeway Bay Service centre .

  9. 安徽省霍山县铜锣寨山岳景观项目投资可行性分析

    Walled Huoshan County , Anhui Province Tongluo Mountain Landscape Project Feasibility Analysis

  10. 那个大铜锣和锤子是干什么用的?

    What is the big brass gong and hammer for ?

  11. 铜锣声响了,我想我现在最好上岸。

    I hear the gong , I 'd better go ashore now .

  12. 甚至我去铜锣湾时,记者也会跟踪我。

    Even if I go to Causeway Bay , reporters follow me .

  13. 买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。

    For computers , go to Windsor House shopping center in Causeway Bay .

  14. 铜锣湾集团总裁陈智:以最快速度冲刺100家连锁店

    Dashing for 100 Chain Stores with the Peak Speed

  15. 铜锣山隧道新型洞门结构计算

    Structure Calculation of Late-Model Portal of Tongluo Mountain Tunnel

  16. 踩踏着一面铜锣的野蛮的铿锵节拍。

    Goes to the barbarous clangour of a gong .

  17. 地点:香港铜锣湾波斯富街83号

    83 Percival St , Causeway Bay , Hong Kong

  18. 试论铜锣与铜鼓的关系

    Analyse the Relationship Between Copper Gong and Drum

  19. 也有敲打铜锣,高举旗帜,引人注目的。

    Sometimes brass gongs are beaten and flags waved to attract people 's attention .

  20. 相比之下,附近的铜锣湾有各种价格和品牌。

    In comparison , the nearby Causeway Bay has a variety of price and brand .

  21. 一名女子被发现在铜锣湾时代广场的纽约中死亡。

    A woman is found dead in the middle of Times Square in New York .

  22. 这个铜锣是做什么的?

    What 's that brass gong for ?

  23. 00铜锣湾动物医院,香港铜锣湾威菲路道25至27号。

    Causeway Bay Animal Hospital , 25-27 Whitfield Road , Causeway Bay , Hong Kong .

  24. 舞者、舞台监督、音乐家正搬着沉重的铜锣,电脑技师摆弄着电脑;

    Dancers , stagehands , musicians carrying heavy brass gongs , computer technicians with clipboards ;

  25. 滑饱水之后,一行人便出发到铜锣湾继续消遣。

    After they had finished water-skiing , they took off to have fun in Causeway bay .

  26. 村子里突然响起了铜锣声,不知道出了什么事情。

    Gongs rang out suddenly in the village , but no one knew what had happened .

  27. 那个大的铜锣和榔头是什么?一位朋友问道。

    What is the big brass gong and hammer for ? one of his friends asked .

  28. 1986年,香港安利总部乔迁至铜锣湾万国宝通银行中心。

    In 1986 , the Amway head office moved to the Citicorp Centre in Causeway Bay .

  29. 他一面喊,一面用一把软把的木槌,敲了一下铜锣。

    Cried he , striking a light hammer with a pliant handle on a small gong .

  30. 鼠标控制,鼠标左键点击铜锣烧即可得分。

    Mouse control , the left mouse button click on the bill can be burned scores .