
  • 网络Alloy Wheel;aluminum alloy wheels
  1. 轿车铝合金轮毂虚拟设计知识库开发

    Knowledge Base Development for Virtual Design of Car Aluminum Alloy Wheel

  2. 铸造锻造技术在铝合金轮毂成形中的应用

    Application of Casting-Forging Technique in the Formation of Car Aluminum Alloy Wheel Hub

  3. 铝合金轮毂曲面CNC机械抛光轮廓控制方法研究

    Research on Contour Control Method of CNC Mechanical Polishing Machine for Aluminum Alloy Wheel Hub Surface

  4. 铸造铝合金轮毂T6热处理工艺的优化研究

    Optimize Research on T6 Heat-treatment of Aluminum Cast Wheel

  5. 虽然他们的工作也许很重要,不过他们就是对车柱上的特殊曲线、肩线上的镀铬和前卫的N辐铝合金轮毂说“不”的人。

    Essential though their job may be , they are the ones who say " no " to the special curve in the roof pillar , the extra bit of chrome on the shoulder line , or the fancy spokes on the aluminum wheels .

  6. 本文以有限元分析软件ANSYS和三维造型软件UG为工具,建立了与轿车铝合金轮毂实际的弯曲疲劳试验、径向疲劳试验、冲击试验相等效的统一、规范、完善的有限元分析模型。

    Aiming at rotary fatigue test , radial fatigue test , impact test of some A-alloy wheels , the paper establishes the uniform , canonical and perfect finite element model with ANSYS and UG that is equivalent with the physical test of the wheel .

  7. 铝合金轮毂压铸模设计

    Design of the Die-casting Die for the Aluminum - Alloy Hub

  8. 基于Pro/E的铝合金轮毂的参数化三维造型

    Aluminum Alloy Hut Parametric 3D Model Based on Pro / ENGINEER

  9. 你们有没有看见我的铝合金轮毂在太阳下跳舞。

    Have you seen that my alloy dancing in the sun .

  10. 铝合金轮毂生产废水处理系统的设计和运行

    Design and operation of wastewater treatment plant for aluminous alloy hub production

  11. 高性能铝合金轮毂模锻新技术

    New technology of die forging process of aluminium alloy hub

  12. 低压铸造铝合金轮毂模具温度场的测试

    Temperature Measurement of Low Pressure Die Casting Die of Aluminum Wheel Castings

  13. 低压铸造铝合金轮毂铸造应力的数值模拟

    The Simulation of Stress of Low-pressure Casting Aluminum Alloy Wheel

  14. 铸造铝合金轮毂化学镀镍磷合金

    Electroless Nickel-phosphorus Plating of Aluminum Alloy Casting Wheel Hub

  15. 摩托车铝合金轮毂服役应力分析

    Service Stress Analysis of Al Alloy Wheel for Motorcycles

  16. 低压铸造铝合金轮毂充型与凝固模拟

    Mold filling and solidification simulation of low pressure die casting aluminum wheel casting

  17. 我国汽车铝合金轮毂发展现状

    Current Situation of Aluminium Alloy Automobile Wheels in China

  18. 铝合金轮毂的生产和市场现状

    Present Situation of Aluminium Alloy Wheels Production and Market

  19. 铝合金轮毂低压铸造工艺的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Low Pressure Die Casting Process of Aluminum Alloy Wheel

  20. 轿车铝合金轮毂锻造成形过程研究

    Study on Forging Process of Car Aluminium Alloy Wheel

  21. 计算机辅助工程设计在中南铝合金轮毂有限公司的应用

    The Application of the Computer Aided Engineering Design system

  22. 整体式铝合金轮毂的合金处理及其铸造

    Alloy Treatment and Casting of Integral Aluminum Alloy Wheels

  23. 铝合金轮毂的造型设计与结构分析

    Shape Design and Structural Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Hub

  24. 汽车铝合金轮毂辐条力学性能的统计学分析及预测

    Statistics Analysis and Prediction on Mechanical Properties of Auto Aluminum Alloy Wheel Spoke

  25. 铝合金轮毂的市场、特点和制造工艺

    Market , Characteristics and Production Process of Aluminum Wheels

  26. 铝合金轮毂低压铸造模具温度场的数值分析ph.1.手刹车,紧急刹车

    Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Low Pressure Casting Aluminum Alloy Wheel Mould

  27. 基于Pro/E的低压铸造铝合金轮毂的设计与静力学分析

    Design and statics analysis of low-pressure cast aluminum alloy wheels on Pro / E

  28. 铝合金轮毂化学镀镍处理新工艺

    Electroless nickel plating process for aluminum alloy hub

  29. 铝合金轮毂压铸充型阶段压力条件的影响

    Influence of Pressure Condition on Aluminum Alloy Hub during Filling Process of Die Casting

  30. 铝合金轮毂表面树脂漆涂装与电镀结合的工艺研究

    Technics for Preparation of Resin Lacquer Painting Combined with Electroplated Coating on Aluminum Alloy Hubs