
míng jì
  • always remember;imprinting;grave;enshrine in the heart;learn by heart;engrave on one's mind
铭记 [míng jì]
  • [engrave on one's mind;always remember;enshrine in the heart;learn by heart] 牢记在心中

  • 时刻铭记

铭记[míng jì]
  1. 我相信,我将永远铭记这一次难忘的体验。

    I am sure I will always remember this an unforgettable experience .

  2. 那是一段充满着奇幻的经历,我会永生铭记。

    It was a time filled with wonder that I 'll always remember .

  3. 她的话我一辈子都铭记着。

    Her words have lived with me all my life .

  4. 总统将铭记这次俄亥俄之行。

    The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio

  5. 那首歌多年来一直铭记在我心中。

    That song has stuck in my head for years .

  6. 我让他铭记他当时被授予了多么大的荣誉。

    I impressed on him what a huge honour he was being offered .

  7. 让我们铭记《马可福音》中我主耶稣的话吧。

    Let us remember the words of Our Lord from the gospel of Mark .

  8. 作为最伟大的财政大臣之一他将永远被铭记。

    He will always be remembered as one of the great Chancellors of the Exchequer .

  9. 直至今日,二十几年前的查帕奎迪克溺亡事件仍然铭记在全体美国人心中。

    The drowning at Chappaquiddick , now more than 20 years ago , is still engraved in the collective memory of America .

  10. 我把他的忠告铭记心头。

    His advice was firmly graven on my heart .

  11. 显然取决于来自高排放国家的领导人在气候变化问题上想以怎样的方式被铭记:暴君或是先驱。

    And it is clearly up to the current generation of leaders from high-emitting nations to decide whether they want to be remembered as climate change tyrants or pioneers .

  12. 这是一次值得享受和铭记的经历。

    It is an experience to be enjoyed and remembered .

  13. 他们用自己的语言说了些什么,意思无疑是:“千万次感谢都不够,我们将永远铭记你。”

    They said something in their language , which doubtlessly meant , " We thank you a thousand times , and will remember you forever . "

  14. 他们很兴奋,用自己的语言说了些什么,意思无疑是:“千万次感谢都不够,我们将永远铭记你。”

    They were excited and said something in their language , which doubtless meant , " We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time . "

  15. 事情发生的那个日子已铭记在我心上。

    The date of the accident remains2 engraved on my mind .

  16. 看来似乎铭记是适应的一种极端的情况

    It'seems likely that imprinting is an extreme case of conditioning .

  17. 我们必须铭记上帝的愤怒曾烧死了不知悔改的恶人。

    We need to remember that God 's wrath does burn against impenitent sinners .

  18. 碑文铭记他的爱国行动

    A tablet commemorates his patriotic activities .

  19. 加拿大超市Loblaws鼓励消费者铭记“美貌不只限于外表”,为减少食品浪费,力推“歪瓜裂枣”。

    A supermarket in Canada is urging its customers to remember that beauty is only skin deep , as it begins selling smaller , misshapen produce to help cut waste .

  20. 正如麦克阿瑟将军(generalmacarthur)所言:“你会因你打破的规则而被人铭记。”

    As General MacArthur put it : " you are remembered for the rules you break . "

  21. 但他的任期将因未能与微软(microsoft)达成交易和未能与谷歌达成搜索广告协议而为人们所铭记。

    But his tenure will be remembered for his failure to consummate a deal with Microsoft and the collapse of a search advertising agreement with Google .

  22. 请铭记一点,苹果并不是第一家推出可以入网或支持mp3手机的公司。

    Remember , Apple wasn 't the first to come out with an Internet-enabled phone or an mp3 player .

  23. 这不是任何开发人员都能够轻松铭记的简单的bean定义,我认为如果我可以自动化该样板配置会很不错。

    This is not a simple bean definition that any developer can easily remember , and I thought that it would be great if I could automate this boilerplate configuration .

  24. 以下是一些使用PurifyPlus时要铭记于心的重点

    Following are some important points to keep in mind when using PurifyPlus

  25. 就在三年前,Netflix犯了一个值得铭记的错:该公司试图从流媒体中剥离DVD出租业务,并开始涨价。

    Just three years ago , Netflix monumentally muffed up when it tried to split off DVD rentals from streaming and raise prices .

  26. 铭记3R原则,即:尊重自己,尊重他人,对自己的行为负责。

    Remember the three R 's : Respect for self ; Respect for others ; Responsibility forall your actions .

  27. 聪明的员工会拒绝过度分享。如果你跟公司里的经理们在Facebook那样的社交网络上有所联系,那么这一点一定要铭记于心。

    Smart workers will draw the line at " oversharing " & definitely something to keep in mind if you 're connecting to your company 's managers on social networks like Facebook .

  28. InfoQ:软件构架师在创建可复用的组件类库时,应当铭记哪些最佳实践?

    InfoQ : What are the best practices and " gotchas " that software architects should keep in mind when working on creating reusable component libraries ?

  29. LYNETTE知道,在她有生之年,她都会将那一刻的记忆铭记于心。

    Lynette knew she would cherish the memory of that moment for the rest of her life .

  30. 在一种意义上,这已经发生了:非政府组织(NGOs)参与了进来,制定了新的产品规范,这铭记在了你能在大多数超级市场买到的咖啡包装上的证明上。

    In a way , this has happened : nongovernmental organisations ( NGOs ) stepped in to assign new production norms enshrined in certifications that you find stamped on coffee packaging in most supermarkets .