
  • 网络banking regulation;banking supervision
  1. 银行家与法律分析师表示,如果恩瑞亚成功让eba成为权力中心,将会极大地改变银行业监管的面貌。

    Bankers and legal analysts said that if Mr enria succeeds in making the EBA a powerful hub , it would significantly change banking regulation .

  2. 这样一来,负责监督全球银行业监管的巴塞尔委员会,就能如期公布新规“巴塞尔协议iii”的基础大纲,而无需解决争执得最厉害的有关银行资本、流动性和杠杆比率等的意见分歧。

    That would allow the committee , which oversees global banking regulation , to publish a basic foundation for the New Basel III rules on time , without resolving disagreements on many of its most contentious proposals on capital , liquidity and leverage .

  3. 作为银行业监管标准制定机构,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)提出的这些建议,旨在挽救银行业的全球监管框架。

    The proposals from the standard-setting Basel Committee on Banking Supervision are an attempt to salvage a global regulatory framework for the industry .

  4. 的确,人们都同意欧洲央行(ECB)将成为共同的银行业监管机构。

    The European Central Bank will become the common bank supervisor . This has indeed been agreed .

  5. 文章根据银行业监管组织Basel委员会出台的巴塞尔协议进一步说明其对商业银行风险控制活动的影响。

    Based on the Basel Accord Basel Committee issued for commercial banks , the paper further explained its risk control activities .

  6. 毕马威(KPMG)英国金融服务主管比尔迈克尔(BillMichael)表示,空中交通管制为银行业监管指明了前进的道路。

    Air traffic control shows the way forward for banking regulation , according to Bill Michael , head of UK financial services at KPMG .

  7. 去年秋季银行业监管机构发布的《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),是向要求银行增加股本迈出的重要一步。

    The Basel III accord , unveiled last autumn by banking regulators , was a big step forward in requiring banks to hold more equity .

  8. 两年后,前参议员多德(christopherdodd)提出了一项设立统一的银行业监管机构的计划。

    Two years later former Sen. Christopher Dodd advanced a plan to create a single regulator .

  9. 美国一个具有影响力的参议院委员会提交了一份全面改革该国监管结构的提案,该提案将会剥夺美联储(Fed)的权力,转而设立一个单一的银行业监管机构。

    An influential US Senate committee has proposed a sweeping overhaul of the country 's regulatory architecture that would strip powers from the Federal Reserve and create a single banking regulator .

  10. 例如,银行业监管标准将由巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)制定,而金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)将负责协调对大型跨国银行的监督。

    For example , banking regulations will be drawn up by the Basel Committee on banking supervision , while the Financial Stability Forum will be responsible for co-ordinating the oversight of large multinational banks .

  11. 欧洲银行业监管委员会(committeeofeuropeanbankingsupervisors)(由所有27个欧盟成员国代表组成)在伦敦召开会议,以实施欧盟在夏季达成的严格薪资规定。

    The Committee of European banking supervisors made up of representatives of all 27 EU countries has been meeting in London to implement the tough pay rules agreed by the EU over the summer .

  12. 此外,从资本的角度看,新的《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)中的银行业监管规则意味着,对其他金融机构的持股变成了一项成本大大增加的投资。

    On top of this , the New Basel III banking rules make equity stakes in other institutions a much more costly investment from a capital point of view .

  13. 美联储(federalreserve)及其它银行业监管机构表示,美国某些银行是上述两家公司的大股东,其中“少数”将发现此举会严重影响其资本状况。

    Some US banks are large shareholders in the two companies and a " minority " will see their capital positions severely compromoised by the move , the Federal Reserve and other banking regulators said .

  14. 欧洲银行业监管委员会(CommitteeofEuropeanBankingSupervisors)则采取了相反的方法,该委员会计划发布其欧洲银行压力测试结果,并在上周召开了一个评估银行透明度听证会。

    Taking the opposite tack , the Committee of European Banking Supervisors plans to publish the results of its stress testing of European banks and last week held a public hearing on assessing banks ' transparency .

  15. 就政策角度而言,巴罗佐最具实质性的一项提议是在欧洲央行(ecb)主导下实行统一的银行业监管。

    In policy terms , the most substantial proposal Mr Barroso offered was a plan for unified banking supervision in the EU under the auspices of the European Central Bank .

  16. 如今,存在于FSA以及世界各地证券与银行业监管机构DNA中的有效市场假设'受到了根本性冲击。

    Now , he says , there has been a very fundamental shock to the efficient markets hypothesis which has been in the DNA of the FSA and securities and banking regulators around the world .

  17. 德国央行(Bundesbank)担心,新赋予欧洲央行的银行业监管权力可能会与该行将欧元区通胀率保持在2%以下的任务相冲突。

    Germany 's Bundesbank fears giving the ECB supervisory powers may create a conflict with its mandate to keep inflation just under 2 % .

  18. 在接受政府纾困资金的大型金融集团中,只有cit未获准发行由银行业监管机构联邦存款保险公司(fdic)担保的债券,尽管其1月份就提出了申请。

    CIT is the only big financial group that received bail-out funds that has not been given the go-ahead to issue debt guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , a banking regulator , in spite of having applied in January .

  19. 入世后我国银行业监管问题探讨

    Discussion on Supervision for Banking in China After Joining WTO

  20. 中国银行业监管效率分析

    An Analysis on the Efficiency of China 's Banking Supervision

  21. 欧洲央行其实已经在不知不觉地逐渐发挥银行业监管机构的作用。

    The ECB is already creeping toward a banking-supervision role .

  22. 第二章中国银行业监管的现状。

    The second chapter is the situation of the Chinese banking supervision .

  23. 国际银行业监管标准嬗变途径分析

    An Analysis of the Evolution of International Banking Regulation Standards

  24. 银行业监管如何在新会计准则下谋变

    How to Comply with New Accounting Standards for Bank Regulator

  25. 银行业监管任务仍将由至少4家机构共同承担。

    Banking supervision will still be shared among at least four agencies .

  26. 银行业监管机构或许也会反思自己的心态。

    Banking regulators might also reflect on their mindset .

  27. 对新监管体制下银行业监管统计的思考

    Thinking About Banking Supervision Statistics in the Circumstance of New Banking Supervision System

  28. 全球化下的银行业监管创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Banking Supervision with Globalization

  29. 银行业监管机构不可能有什么万灵药。

    There can be no panacea for banking regulators .

  30. 资本约束、激励相容与银行业监管

    Capital Restraint , Incentive Compatibility and Banking Supervision