
yín hánɡ jié suàn pínɡ zhènɡ
  • banking settlement certificate
  1. (二)伪造、变造委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的;

    Forging or altering settlement certificates of a bank such as certificates of entrustment with the receipt of payment , certificates of remittance and deposit receipts ;

  2. 使用伪造、变造的委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的,依照前款的规定处罚。

    Whoever uses forged and altered documents of authority for collection , remittance documents , bank certificates of deposit , and other bank documents of settlement is to be punished in accordance with the stipulations of the preceding paragraph .