
  • 网络foundry coke
  1. 在不同的运行条件下,以镇江铸造焦和华亭长焰煤半焦为原料进行了试验,考察了煤种、氧的体积分数和反应温度对CO产率的影响。

    Under running conditions , Zhenjiang foundry coke and Huating long-flame coalite are used as raw materials for the experiment . The effects of coal type , oxygen concentration and reaction temperature on CO yield were investigated .

  2. 铸造焦应用的质量控制及经济效益分析

    Analysis of Economic Benefits from Usage of Foundry Coke and Control of Castings Quality

  3. 铸造焦的灰分中含K2O多,熔点低,质轻,与焦炭表面结合力弱,容易脱落、漂浮,渗碳容易。

    The ash of FC contains a let of K_2O and has low melting temperature , light weight and weak affinity to coke .

  4. 铸造焦反应能力的研究妇女财产继承权如何受到实质保护值得我们反思。

    On the Reactivity of Foundry Coke It worths us reconsidering .

  5. 铸造焦熔炼工艺及铸件质量控制

    Process Control in Melting with Foundry Coke and Castings Quality Control

  6. 使用热回收焦炉生产优质铸造焦

    Producing High Quality Foundry Coke with Heat Recovery Coke Oven

  7. 铸造焦对提高合金铸铁件质量的作用

    The Effect of Cupola Coke on Improving Quality of Alloy Iron Casting

  8. 下列标准表述的材料为高级别高温铸造焦。

    The material described under this specification is a high grade oven coke .

  9. 以宁夏焦煤为主原料炼制铸造焦的技术研究

    The technological study on Foundry coke with Ningxia coking coal as main raw material

  10. 铸造焦反应能力的研究

    On the Reactivity of Foundry Coke

  11. 特级铸造焦的研制

    Development of Super Foundry Coke

  12. 低硫、高强度一级铸造焦的研制

    Development of the Foundry Coke

  13. 铸造焦与冶金焦对铁水渗碳过程的影响金属镝冶炼过程中杂质行为及其控制方法

    Influence of foundry coke and metallurgical coke on hot metal carburization impurities behavior and control in Dy metallurgy

  14. 高挥发份煤配添加物炼制二级铸造焦的研究

    Study of a coking process to make second class of foundry coke using a high volatile matter bituminous coal and additives

  15. 简要介绍了铸造焦的几种生产方式,指出了各种方式生产的焦炭在质量方面具有的特点或存在的问题。

    A brief introduction to several methods of foundry coke production was given and their characteristics and disadvantages were pointed out .

  16. 浅谈生产高密度铸造焦的添加剂添加剂对铸造焦性能的影响

    A Brief Talk on Additive When Producting Casting Coke of High Densith The Influence of Additive on the Property of Foundry Coke

  17. 文中在进一步分析了冲天炉内燃烧特点后认为,确定反应能力是铸造焦的重要技术指标的依据是它直接影响了铁水的过热效率。

    Thus , the reactivity of the coke is important because it is closely related to the efficiency of the molten metal heating-up .

  18. 文中最后指出,必须依据冲天炉实际工况制定出铸造焦反应能力的测试方法。

    The measuring device for the reactivity of foundry coke should be properly chosen in accordance with the actual operating condition of the cupola .

  19. 以气代焦天然气与冶金市场双赢铸造焦与冶金焦对铁水渗碳过程的影响

    Replacing coke with GAS-A way beneficial to both natural gas market and metallurgic one ; influence of foundry coke and metallurgical coke on hot metal carburization

  20. 作者用我国新近研制成功的铸造焦,进行了底焦燃烧规律试验和生产熔炼试验。

    The authors have studied the regularity of bed coke combustion and melting process in cupola by using foundry coke developed recently in China , gas coke , and furnace coke respectively .

  21. 开发应用大容积炭化室、捣固、热回收炼焦工艺技术的清洁型热回收捣固机焦炉取代改良焦炉生产出口大块特级铸造焦,改变了中国落后的生产出口大块特级铸造焦的炼焦工艺和方法。

    Our clean-type , heat-recovery coke oven with stamping process which have been improved with large cubage oven and stamping process and heat-recovery coking technologies has changed the laggard coking producing technologies which produced bulk and superfine coke for exports before in China .