
xiāo shòu mù biāo
  • sales target
  1. 他还上调了阿迪达斯品牌的销售目标。此前,今年的欧洲足球锦标赛(EuropeanChampionships)促进了该公司今年上半年的销售额。

    He also lifted the company 's sales target at its Adidas brand after the European Championships football competition this year boosted sales in the first half .

  2. 苹果对iPhone推出首年的全球销售目标是1000万部,目前正与日本运营商NTTDoCoMo就在日本推出iPhone进行谈判。

    Apple has a global sales target of 10m iPhones in the first year and is in talks with carrier NTT DoCoMo to bring the iPhone to Japan .

  3. 在苹果(纳斯达克:AAPL)的中国产线上,别去管什么骗人的3G、紧迫的销售目标、或者对糟糕工作条件的辩解;

    Nevermind the dodgy3G , the tough sales targets or those allegations of poor working conditions on Apple 's ( NSDQ : AAPL ) Chinese production line ;

  4. Inspira行销集团(InspiraMarketingGroup)采用的方法是:如果公司达到了销售目标,公司的27名员工就能够享受一年一度的旅行,赴牙买加或者圣克罗伊岛这样的海岛度假三天。

    Inspira marketing group invests in taking its 27 employees on an annual three-day trip to an island like Jamaica or St. Croix if the company hits its sales goals .

  5. 索尼(Sony)昨日宣布其游戏与电视部门亏损加重,并表示,其液晶显示器生产线开工不足,PlayStation3游戏机的年销售目标也可能无法实现。

    Sony yesterday reported increased losses in its games and television divisions and said its liquid crystal display model line was inadequate and its annual sales goal for the PlayStation 3 might not be met .

  6. 今年,华为在中国本土的对手小米(Xiaomi)看来将很难完成最初制定的1亿部手机的销售目标,甚至连调整后的8000万部的目标也有难度。小米本月曾宣布,2015年上半年只卖出了3470万部手机。

    Homegrown rival Xiaomi looks set to struggle to meet an initial sales target of 100m phones this year and even a revised goal of 80m , after announcing this month that it sold just 34.7m devices in the first half of 2015 .

  7. 该职位将负责每月销售目标的实现负责。

    The position will be responsible for achieving monthly sales goals .

  8. 这个想法目的是帮助员工完成他们的销售目标。

    The idea is helping staff to achieve their sales targets .

  9. 职位描述:1。完成既定的销售目标;

    Responsibilities : 1.Sell courses ensuring you reach monthly sales target ;

  10. 公司个月没有达到销售目标。

    The company fell short of its sales goal last month .

  11. 维护活跃的资源库,以期达成销售目标。

    Maintain active funnel in order to satisfy sales targets .

  12. 2009年,你有具体和特定的销售目标吗?

    What , specifically , are your sales and production goals for2009 ?

  13. 八:哪张图表显示了公司未来的销售目标?

    Eight : Which graph shows the company 's future sales targets ?

  14. 负责达到管辖区域的销售目标和业务成绩。

    Achieve sales target and business objectives in the region .

  15. 第三部是制定一些销售目标。

    Step three is to put some sales targets in .

  16. 根据公司制定的销售目标制定销售计划并完成目标。

    To make sales plan and complete the sale target set by company .

  17. 双方明确代理区域的销售目标。

    Confirm the sale target in the agent legion .

  18. 什么是单一项目的销售目标?

    What is the sales objective of single project ?

  19. 销售目标的独特性和着眼大局目标的统筹性相结合。

    Working towards individual sales targets and provide support to achieve overall target .

  20. 会同公司高层管理,根据公司的战略计划,设定公司的销售目标。

    Set up sales target according to company strategic plan with senior management .

  21. 我想我们能达到销售目标。

    I think we 'll meet our sales objectives .

  22. 但这些承诺就像是你知道自己能够实现的销售目标一样。

    But those commitments are like sales targets that you know you can achieve .

  23. 制定和完成公司设定的销售目标并合理控制销售费用;

    Establish and execute annual sales objective and maintain the expense within the budget ;

  24. 丰田上周表示,它正在重新评估2008年的全球销售目标。

    Toyota said last week it was reviewing its global sales target for 2008 .

  25. 始终坚持超过年销售目标的35%。

    Consistently surpassed annual revenue goals by35 percent-plus .

  26. 他拒绝透露具体的销售目标。

    He declines to give any sales targets .

  27. 我们今后五年的销售目标是每年年80万辆车。

    We want to sell 800000 cars a year for the next 5 years .

  28. 它规定了他们的销售目标过高,许多不符合。

    And it sets sales targets for them so high that many fail to meet .

  29. 第一,有人告诉我你又达到另一个销售目标,恭喜!

    A ︰ First , I was informed you hit another sales target . Congratulations !

  30. 完成油站当班油品销售目标;

    Complete shift target of fuel sales ;