
  • 网络Boiler thermal efficiency;heat efficiency;boiler efficiency;BMCR
  1. CO锅炉热效率的计算

    The calculation of heat efficiency for CO BOILER

  2. 锅炉热效率提高到95%,烟气中NOx及CO的体积分数分别降至10×10-6和30×10-6。

    The boiler heat efficiency rises to 95 % , NOx and CO volume fractions in flue gas fall to 10 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) and 30 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ), respectively .

  3. 天然气催化燃烧V型冷凝锅炉热效率研究

    Research on Thermal Efficiency in Catalytic Combustion Condensing Boiler V of Natural Gas

  4. 添加石灰石脱硫对CFB锅炉热效率的影响

    Influence of limestone desulphurization to CFB thermal efficiency

  5. 采用因子分析法,利用SPSS统计软件,对循环流化床(CFB)锅炉热效率进行分析,得出了影响热效率的主要因素,为提高CFB锅炉热效率提供了依据。

    Adopting factor analysis method , the thermal efficiency of circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) boilers has been analysed by using SPSS software , obtaining main factors affecting the thermal efficiency , providing basis for enhancing the thermal efficiency of CFB boilers .

  6. 在工业链条炉上进行了燃烧试验,结果表明:燃烧复合颗粒清洁煤可以降低烟尘和SO2的排放,提高锅炉热效率,改善大气环境质量。

    The test of combustion has been carried out in chain boiler . The results of test indicated that burning industrial boiler particle clean coal can reduce the emission of total partical and SO2 , increase the heat efficiency of boiler and improve the atmosphere environment quality .

  7. 分析了BG35/3.82M5型锅炉热效率偏低的原因,探讨了提高锅炉热效率的方法,以保证锅炉能安全经济运行。

    This paper analyzes on the causes of the lower thermal efficiency of BG-35 / 3.82-M5-type boiler , and probes into the method for improving the thermal efficiency of boiler for the purpose of the safety in operation of the boiler .

  8. 循环流化床锅炉热效率提高探讨

    Probe into the Thermal Efficiency Promotion of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  9. 脱硫工艺对循环流化床锅炉热效率计算的影响

    Effects of CFB boiler desulfurization process on calculation of boiler efficiency

  10. 多功能锅炉热效率监控装置的研制

    Research on multifunction supervisory and control device for boiler thermal efficiency

  11. 燃煤掺烧石油焦对锅炉热效率影响的计算分析

    Analysis of the Influences of Petro-coke Blends on Boiler Heat Efficiency

  12. 炉内喷钙脱硫对锅炉热效率的影响

    Influence of limestone injection in furnace on thermal efficiency of boiler

  13. 提高小型工业锅炉热效率的措施

    Methods for Increasing Heat Efficiency of Small scale Industrial Boiler

  14. 因子分析在循环流化床锅炉热效率研究中的应用

    Application of factor analysis in study on thermal efficiency of CFB Boilers

  15. 关于提高锅炉热效率措施的探讨

    Probe into the Measures for Increasing Boiler 's Thermal Efficiency

  16. 提高高压直流锅炉热效率的研究

    Study on Increasing the Heat Efficiency of High-pressure Once-through Boiler

  17. 工业锅炉热效率与节能潜力

    Thermal Efficiency and Potential of Energy Saving of Industrial Boiler

  18. 用热损失法测定锅炉热效率

    Determination of Boiler Thermal Efficiency by Means of Heat Loss

  19. 通过控制过量空气系数提高注汽锅炉热效率

    Increasing Thermal Efficiency of Steam Injection Boiler by Monitoring Excess Air Coefficient

  20. 中小型燃气锅炉热效率估算

    Estimation of Thermal Efficiency of Medium & Minitype Gas - Fired Boiler

  21. 冶金煤气锅炉热效率在线计算方法研究与实现

    Study of on-line Calculation Method of Thermal Efficiency of Metallurgic Gas Boiler

  22. 有关锅炉热效率计算方法的探讨

    Approach to the Method for Utility Boiler Thermal Efficiency Calculation in Our Country

  23. 实际运行中,对工业锅炉热效率起主导作用的是工业锅炉自身的运行情况。

    It is the running conditions that decide the thermal efficiency in practice .

  24. 工业锅炉热效率测试方法与实践

    Testing method and practice of industrial boiler heat efficiency

  25. 煤质变化对锅炉热效率影响的试验研究

    Affection of Coal Qualitative Variation on Boiler Thermal Efficiency

  26. 工业锅炉热效率计算的另一种表达式

    Another Expression of Thermal Efficiency Calculation for Industrial Boiler

  27. 采用正平衡法计算的锅炉热效率微机实时监测仪

    Heat efficiency measuring instrument of industrial boiler by using positive balance calculative method

  28. 燃用石油焦和煤添加脱硫剂循环流化床锅炉热效率计算

    Thermal efficiency calculation on CFB boiler of petro-coke and desulfurizer addictive coal combustion

  29. 锅炉热效率试验中的煤质元素分析计算模型

    Ultimate analysis model for thermal efficiency test of boiler

  30. 真空热水锅炉热效率研究

    Study on Thermal Efficiency of Vacuum Hot Water Boiler