
  • 网络pyramidal system;pyramid system;pyramidal tract;pyrarnidal tract
  1. BD临床特征:进行性加重的智能衰退,定向力障碍及人格改变,假性延髓麻痹征,锥体系及锥体外系损害的表现。

    The clinical features of BD was gradual decline of brainpower , orientation obstacle , characteristic changes , pseudobulbar palsy , manifestation of pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor system damages .

  2. 预制单元锥网架体系是一种适合于中小跨度省材料、装配化程度高的新型节点体系。

    The precast single cone space truss system is a new type of joint system .

  3. 首先,对弧齿锥齿轮设计过程进行了仔细地分析,明确了影响设计效率和质量的因素,提出了基于知识的弧齿锥齿轮CAD系统体系结构。

    Firstly , the knowledge-based design logic of spiral bevel gear is presented after analyzing carefully the design process and finding out factors which impact the efficiency and quality of design .