
jù mò
  • sawdust;saw dust;saw powder;serrago
锯末 [jù mò]
  • [sawdust] 锯切如锯木或石等,通常指锯木时掉下来的小碎末

锯末[jù mò]
  1. 沙质插壤上各树种生根率分别达欧洲云杉77.5%、白云杉52%、黑云杉44.5%,东部白松在锯末插壤上扦插生根率为35%。

    The results indicated that in sandy cutting medium root growing rate of cuttings of Picea abies , P. glauca and P.mariana were 77.5 % , 52 % and 44.5 % respectively , while in saw dust cutting medium 35 % of cuttings of Pinus strobus had roots .

  2. 红松锯末堆积存放时的热自燃条件

    Thermal Ignition of Saw Dust From Korean Pine During Heap Storage

  3. 他用一把小刷子刷掉细锯末。

    Using a small brush , he brushed away the fine sawdust .

  4. 改性锯末吸附含Cr(Ⅵ)废水的实验研究

    Study on Application of Modified Sawdust Absorbent for Cr (ⅵ) Wastewater

  5. 热喷发酵锯末的制备和饲喂试验表明,丝状真菌N菌和T菌是最佳菌株。

    The preparation of hot-spurting sawdust and feeding trial showed that fungus N and T were the best strains .

  6. 以废旧PP、锯末木粉为原料,采用双螺杆挤出机造粒生产环保型塑木复合材料。

    Recycled polypropylene ( PP ) and wood powder were employed to prepare composites via twin-screw extrusion .

  7. 发酵培养物料由热喷处理后锯末75%,麦麸25%和多菌灵组成,然后用尿素水溶液混合均匀,接种,在25~30℃温度下发酵3~4d。

    Fermented cultural material , composed of 75 % treated sawdust by hot-spurting .

  8. 以锯末和PVC胶粘剂为主要原料,用高速混合机制备了PVC/锯末塑木材料,并通过平板硫化机热压成型,制备出了新型的PVC/锯末塑木板材;

    PVC / sawdust plastics wood materials were prepared by using high speed mixer , with PVC and sawdust as raw materials , a novel PVC / sawdust plate was thus manufactured with platen vulcanizing heater .

  9. 12种木醋液中硬杂木锯末木醋蒸馏液pH值最低,有机酸含量(以HAc计)最高。

    Among twelve kinds of wood vinegar , the pH value for mixed hardwood sawdust wood vinegar after distilling was lowest , while the organic acid content ( calculated as HAc ) was highest .

  10. 利用鸡粪和锯末在自动化高温堆肥装置中进行堆肥试验,并引入两种外源微生物:FM菌和EM菌,探讨了二者对堆肥过程氮素保存和堆制效果的影响。

    A compost test in an automatic compost device using chicken manure and sawdust was conducted to study the effect of two kinds of inoculating microbes on the composting manure and nitrogen contents and forms .

  11. 本文以废弃松树锯末热解炭(PyC)为原料,用磷酸浸泡-微波辐射的方法对其改性。

    In this research , H3PO4-microwave method was used to modify the pine sawdust pyrolytic char ( PyC ) .

  12. 试验表明,以锯末、粉渣等8种有机废物处理有机废水是有效的,其中锯末和粉渣去除废水中COD达92%&98%。

    The results showed that it was effective to treat organic wastewater with eight organic wastes including sawdust and powder residue , among which sawdust and powder residue could reduce COD in wastewater by 92 % & 98 % .

  13. 利用炉渣、锯末、半腐熟麦草栽培油松时,最佳配方为炉渣(≤5mm)、锯末、腐熟麦草比例为4:3:1,其容重为0.47g/cm3,仅为圃地土的41%。

    The optimal direction is expressed as : 4:3:1 for slag (≤ 5mm ), sawdust and half decayed straw if they are employed for Chinese pine .

  14. 最后经过添加锯末固定、干燥,制备出的固体菌剂为140kg。

    Finally , 140 kg inocula solids was prepared by drying through adding sawdust .

  15. 通过堆肥工艺的优化控制和加水措施,猪粪和锯末联合堆制可以在45d内获得高质量的有机肥,具有良好的应用前景。

    This shows that composting of mixture of pig manure and sawdust can produce high quality compost by optimizing the composting process for 45 days .

  16. 本论文主要得到以下结论:1.以锯末biochar为对象,经过硝化反应和还原反应,制备了氨基官能团改性的生物炭。

    Several main conclusions of this research are as follows : 1 . Amino modified biochar was prepared by nitration substitution and reduction reactions using sawdust char as initial raw material .

  17. 介绍了微波照射&氯化锌法(ZCMR)制取锯末活性炭的方法。

    A preparing method of activated carbon with zinc chloride by microwave radiation ( ZCMR ) from sawdust was introduced .

  18. 结果表明,在菌剂和锯末的共同作用下,经过45d后,污泥含油量从24%下降到11%,去除率达到54%;

    The test was made with maintenance of watering repeated daily . With an aid of nutrient solution and sawdust , we have found that the microbial preparation reduced oil contents in the sludge from 24 % to 11 % with a removal rate of 54 % .

  19. 燃烧处理树皮、锯末

    Burning to Treat Barks and Sawdust in Pulp and Paper Mills

  20. 说到底,最可爱的布娃娃也只不过是锯末做成的。

    The loveliest doll in the last analysis is merely sawdust .

  21. 木屑和锯末可压制成板。

    Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards .

  22. 锯末刨花板淀粉脲醛复合粘合剂的研制

    Development of a Starch and Urea-Formaldehyde Compound Adhesive for Saw-Dust and Shaving Boards

  23. 他们吃老鼠和锯末避免饥饿的危险。

    They ate rats and sawdust to avoid starvation .

  24. 大掺量锯末对粉煤灰烧结制品性能的影响

    Effect of Doping High Volume Sawdust on Properties of Fly Ash Sintered Products

  25. 锯末及蛭石含量与基质水分含量呈正相关。

    Sawdust and vermiculite contents had a positive correlation with the water content .

  26. 你是说锯末和泥炭可以防止土壤粘闭吗?

    You mean the sawdust or the peat keeps the soil from puddling ?

  27. 梅布尔开始打扫地上的锯末,我则收起工具。

    Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools .

  28. 锯末燃烧特性对烧结多孔材料工艺性能的影响

    Effect of Sawdust 's Combustion Characteristic on Technological Properties of Sintered Porous Product

  29. 昭通褐煤热解与锯末类生物质热解对比实验研究

    Experiment Study on Pyrolysis of Zhaotong Lignite Compared with Pyrolysis of Biomass like Sawdust

  30. 我看锯末不会有多少营养价值吧?

    There can 't be much nutrient value in sawdust , I 'd think .