
zhèn zhǐ
  • paperweight
镇纸 [zhèn zhǐ]
  • [paperweight] 用铜、铁、玉石等制成,用以镇压纸张或书籍的一种文房用具

镇纸[zhèn zhǐ]
  1. 最常见的立方体卫星是一个(边长)10厘米的方块,它是那么的小,小到容易被误认为是书桌上的镇纸。

    The most common CubeSat is a 10cm cube , so small that a single CubeSat could easily be mistaken for a paperweight on your desk .

  2. 他的眼光落到了玻璃镇纸的碎片上。

    His eye fell on the fragments of the glass paperweight .

  3. 除了为香奈儿,Fendi,巴宝莉等大牌站台以外,这位伦敦女性还参演了电影《X特遣队》和《镇纸》。

    In addition to fronting campaigns for the likes of Chanel , Fendi and Burberry , the Londoner has starred in films including Suicide Squad and Paper Towns .

  4. Chromebook过去最大的问题是,没有网络连接时,它们就和直角镇纸没什么差别。

    The biggest issue Chromebooks had in the past was that , without an Internet connection , they were nothing more than rectangular paperweights .

  5. 但海茵里奇.黄和一个小小的玻璃镇纸彻底改变了历史。

    But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that .

  6. 镇纸掉到了桌上,在桌面砸出了深深的印痕。

    The paperweight had fallen onto the desk , badly marking the surface .

  7. 这块石头能做成很好的镇纸。

    This rock will make a good paperweight .

  8. 且送我一块略有缺损的瓷镇纸。

    and gave me a little paper weight of majolica , with a broken corner ;

  9. 有人从桌上拣起玻璃镇纸,把它扔到了壁炉石上,打得粉碎。

    Someone had picked up the glass paperweight from the table and smashed it to pieces on the hearth-stone .

  10. 她把那玻璃镇纸拿到床边,凑着光线看。

    She brought the glass paperweight over to the bed to have a look at it in a better light .

  11. 角落里那张折叠桌上,他上次来时买的玻璃镇纸,在昏暗朦胧下闪着柔和的光彩。

    In the corner , on the gateleg table , the glass paperweight which he had bought on his last visit gleamed softly out of the half-darkness .

  12. 用镇纸或用图钉把具体的衣片纸样定位并仔细地用铅笔、圆珠笔或圆规标出轮廓线。

    Either sue paper weights or map pins to firmly hold the specific pattern part in place and carefully mark around the outline with either pencil , ball point pen or compass point .

  13. 温斯顿凝视那块镇纸的中心,总觉得能走进这平静的世界,在这世界里,时间也可以凝滞不动。

    It was as when Winston had gazed into the heart of the paperweight , with the feeling that it would be possible to get inside that glassy world , and that once inside it time could be arrested .