
gé wū rǎn
  • cadmium pollution
镉污染[gé wū rǎn]
  1. 土壤有毒元素镉污染修复方法探讨

    Discussions on restoring method of cadmium pollution in soil poisonous elements

  2. 水体镉污染对水稻种苗初期生长的影响

    Effect of Water Cadmium Pollution on Primary Growth of Rice Seedlings

  3. 镉污染农田施用EDTA对水稻生长发育的影响

    Effects of Applying EDTA on the Growth and Development of Rice in Cadmium-polluted Field

  4. 镉污染土壤增施钾肥降低白菜还原糖,提高Vc含量。

    In cadium-polluted soil , reducing sugar content in cabbage could be decreased and vitamin C could be increased by enhancing potash-fertilization .

  5. 由于不同辣椒种类和品种对Cd耐性和富集能力的差异性,为在镉污染土壤上进行农业生产的合理布局提供了依据。

    To investigate the differences of different varieties of pepper in Cd tolerance and accumulation could provide references for the layout planning of Cd-contaminated land in agricultural production .

  6. 为了有效实施镉污染农田农业生态整治与安全高效利用策略,采用室外微区池栽培实验,对我国南方几种主要栽培植物耐土壤Cd污染能力进行了比较分析。

    A comparative evaluation of tolerance of several main cultivated plants towards cadmium in south China was conducted for making strategy of agro-ecological regulation and safe-and-efficient utilization in farmland polluted by Cd .

  7. 这一发现有可能从一个侧面解释菌根植物的抗逆机制和AMF在镉污染环境中的生物修复作用的应用潜力。

    This finding may possibly explain the mechanisms of the tolerance of mycorrhizal plant to polluted heavy metals for example Cd .

  8. 研究了镉污染的水稻土上三种钾肥,即KCl,K2SO4和KNO3对水稻在不同生育期吸收累积Cd的影响。

    Pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of three potash fertilizers , namely , KCl , K2SO4 and KNO3 , on Cd uptake by rice .

  9. 由于两品种的基因型差异,在镉污染土壤上,加入有机酸、EDTA后,两个基因型水稻的有效穗数、成穗率、经济系数,谷草比、产量均存在明显差异。

    In cadmium-polluted soil , significant differences were found in effective panicle number , panicle-setting rate , economic factor , ratio of grain via grass and yield by applying organic acid and EDTA due to genotypes difference .

  10. 监测数据表明除皮蛋中的铅以外,大部分食品中的铅、砷、镉污染水平均低于国家限量标准和CAC标准;

    The results indicated that the contamination levels of lead , arsenic and cadmium in all foodstuffs detected , with the exception of lead in preserved eggs , met the associated criteria issued by either the Chinese government or CAC .

  11. 介绍了火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)测定矿区农田镉污染土壤、苎麻样品中镉的分析方法,讨论了在环境镉污染土地上种植苎麻等植物在污染土壤改良和利用中的作用。

    A method for the determination of cadmium in mineral Cd polluted soil and ramie samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) was developed . The role of Cd riched plant , such as ramie in Cd polluted soil , in amelioration of soils was discussed .

  12. 环境镉污染对儿童学习记忆的影响

    Effects of Environmental Cadmium Pollution on Learning and Memory of Children

  13. 北江突发镉污染事故的健康危害评价

    Health hazard assessment of emergent cadmium pollution accidents in Beijiang River

  14. 五种木本园林植物叶片对镉污染胁迫的反应

    Responses of leaves of Five Wood Gardening Plants on Cd Stress

  15. 铅锌矿区土壤镉污染的动电修复技术

    Electrokinetic remediation of cadmium contaminated soils in a lead-zinc mining district

  16. 海泡石对镉污染土壤改良效果的研究

    Study on the amelioration effect of meerschaum in Cd contaminated soil

  17. 水稻,遭洪水的水稻水稻土镉污染与水稻镉含量相关性研究

    Relationship Between Paddy Soils Cadmium Pollution and Cadmium Content in Rice

  18. 镉污染对红壤微生物生态特性的影响

    Effect of Cadmium on the Microbial Ecological Characteristics in Red Soils

  19. 环境镉污染对儿童健康影响的调查

    An Investigation on Environmental Cadmium Pollution of the Children Health Effect

  20. 镉污染对生物有机体的危害及防治对策

    Biological Damage of Soil Cadmium ( Cd ) Pollution and its Control

  21. 冶炼厂区镉污染土壤中镉的形态分配及其影响因素

    Cadmium fractions and factors affecting it in soils near a copper smelter

  22. 土法炼锌环境中镉污染行为研究

    The Study of Cadmium Pollution in Local Zinc Smelting with Indigenous Method

  23. 环境铅镉污染对动物健康影响的研究

    Effect of Environmental Lead and Cadmium Pollution on Animal Health

  24. 土壤的铅镉污染是一个非常严重的环境问题。

    The Pb and Cd pollution in soil is a serious issue .

  25. 土壤锌铅镉污染对小白菜硝酸盐含量的影响

    Effects of zinc lead and cadmium contamination on nitrate contents in Pakchoi

  26. 大余县钨矿镉污染对灌区人群的影响

    Influence of cadmium pollution from the Dayu tungsten mine on human being

  27. 镉污染对育龄妇女生殖健康的影响

    The effect of cadmium pollution on reproductive health in females

  28. 滑坡致环境镉污染的研究

    Study of Hill Falling Resulting in Environmental Pollution by Cadmium

  29. 镉污染区居民疾病死亡谱分析

    Analysis on resident 's spectrum of disease and death in cadmium-polluted area

  30. 沈阳经济技术开发区镉污染状况调查

    Investigation on Cadmium Pollution Situation in Shenyang Economy & Technique Development District