
  • 【电影】The Hidden Face
  1. 镜中人。百听不厌。

    Man in the mirror .

  2. 镜中人

    Man in the mirror

  3. 哦,是呀,看到的镜中人是谁?是你,还是我?还是?

    Oh , ya , who I see in the mirror ? you , or me , or else ?

  4. 但至少现在我清楚镜中那个人是谁

    But now at least I know who ′ s in the mirror

  5. 因为你无法对镜中的人撒谎。

    Because you can 't lie to that person .

  6. 我要从镜中之人开始做起

    I 'm starting with the man in the mirror

  7. 镜中之人-是他!

    Man in the mirror-oh yeah !

  8. 永远只与镜中之人、事、物等紧密地打交道,尽己之力的令其完美。

    We deal only tightly with the people and things currently before us , and do our best to make them perfect .