
  1. 最后刻画了有限Coxeter群内与最长元的共轭的长度最短的元素的集合以及该集合中元素的个数。

    In addition , we also describe the set of elements of minimal length in conjugacy class of the longest elements in the Coxeter groups and give their the orders .

  2. 传统仓储制度社会保障功能的近代发展&以晚清苏州府长元吴丰备义仓为例

    The Function of Social Security of Traditional Granary System and its Development in Modern Times

  3. 本文研究了互补序列偶的构造问题,得到了一种新的二元互补序列偶的构造方法,即由N长二元序列偶和M长二元序列偶来构造MN长二元序列偶。

    In this paper , the construction of complementary sequence pairs are studied , and a new constructional method is found , with which it can get a complementary sequence pairs of length MN by a complementary sequence pairs of length M and a complementary sequence pairs of length N.

  4. 灰土桩单桩复合地基临界桩长有限元分析

    Study on Critical Length of Single Pile in Lime-Soil Pile Composite Foundation

  5. 基于混合基元模型的非定长基元选取算法

    Hybrid Unit Model Based Non-uniform Unit Selection

  6. 介绍了面向中英文双语应用的英文语音合成系统中基于混合基元模型的非定长基元选取算法。

    This paper presents hybrid unit model based non-uniform unit selection in Chinese and English bilingual application oriented English text-to-speech system .

  7. 如果能消除长程矩阵元的影响,则该比值的大小只与Pomeron的流因子及部分子分布函数有关。

    If the influence is eliminated , the ratio is only related to the flux factor and parton distribution functions of Pomeron .

  8. 28头体重在10kg左右杜长约三元杂交瘦肉型猪随机分成4组,每组7头。

    28 lean pigs ( Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire ) at about 10 kg BW were randomly asigned to one of 4 groups with 7 pigs each .

  9. 冷轧薄带钢轧辊压扁弧长的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis for Roll Flattening arc in Thin Strip Rolling

  10. 最长线性二元序列的自动移位

    Automatic shifting of a maximum length linear binary sequence

  11. 采用一般的穷举搜索法只能搜索到10长的二元互补序列偶。

    And only sequence pairs with length below 10 can be got using exhaustive search method .

  12. 长约二元母猪初乳常规成分、酶和激素的动态变化及其与常乳的比较研究

    Study on Dynamic Changes of Conventional Ingredients , Enzymes and Hormones in Sows Colostrum and Their Comparisons with Milk

  13. 本文研究的辉石岩就是这样一种特殊产状的辉石岩体,侵位于早志留世花岗闪长岩与元古代基底变质岩系接触部位。

    The pyroxenite in this study is such a special occurrence , which emplaced in the contact area between the Early Silurian granodiorite and Proterozoic basement metamorphic rocks .

  14. 选择45头4月龄的长巴本三元杂交猪,随机分为3组,每组15头。

    Chang × Ba × Ben three-way cross pigs at the age of four months were randomly divided three groups and there were 15 pigs in each group .

  15. 提出了运用变长梁有限元建立弹性受控五杆机构系统模型及其运动微分方程,采用转移矩阵法直接求解弹性受控五杆机构实现给定运动的动态误差;

    It advances the theory of establishing the system model and its differential equations of the controlled five-bar mechanism by adopting the theory of the variable-length rod finite element .

  16. 利用单根循环码与重根循环码关系,确定出所有能由短码长的四元循环码构造的线性量子码。

    Using the relation of simple root cyclic codes and repeat root cyclic codes , the linear quantum codes that can be constructed from quaternary cyclic codes of short lengths are determined .

  17. 虽然每人只有区区的50元钱,后来长到100元钱,但这却足以让不少农民病有所医。

    Albeit small , 50 yuan per person to start with and it has grown to 100 yuan now , but it has enabled many farmers to be cared of in sickness .

  18. 最后,根据感应电动势的原理,通过增加感应线圈元的数量进一步得到了n个有限长多层螺线圈元串联顺接电感的计算公式。

    Finally , based on the principles of the induced electromotive force , increase the number of induction coil element in order to get n finite-length multi-layer solenoid coil inductance element in series , linking and reverse the formula .

  19. 有限长FEM/BEM(有限元/边界元法)是模拟SAW器件最精确的理论模型,但由于计算时间太长,无法在器件结构的优化设计中得到实际应用。

    The finite FEM / BEM ( finite element method / boundary element method ) is a precise theoretical tool for the simulation of SAW devices , but it requires too long calculation time so that it is not suitable to practical devices structure optimization .

  20. 移动荷载下离散粘弹性点支承长梁的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of long beam on discrete viscoelastic supports subjected to moving loads

  21. 基于弧长法的有限元逆算法在板料成形中的应用

    Application of Inverse Finite Element Approach Based on Arc-length Method in Sheet Metal Forming

  22. 表面等离子激元波的光学二次谐波效应及应用Ⅰ.长程等离子激元波的二次谐波效应

    Optical second-harmonic generation by surface plasmon waves and its application ⅰ . Second-harmonic generation by long-range surface plasmon waves

  23. 二十八烷醇作为一种具有抗疲劳活性的功能性物质,是一种天然存在的长链饱和一元脂肪醇。

    Octacosanol , as an active anti-fatigue functional substance , is a concentrated form of the saturated unique long-chain fatty alcohol exist in the nature .

  24. 在本试验条件下,粗蛋白质为17%时,长×大二元哺乳母猪最佳的赖氨酸和粗蛋白质比例为6.3g/100g。

    Under this experimental condition , when the crude protein level was 17 % , the optimum ratio of lysine to crude protein was 6.3 g / 100 g for the Landrace-Yorkshire lactating sow .

  25. 本文以长×大二元断奶仔猪为对象,研究不同营养水平日粮对断奶仔猪胴体及肉质的影响。

    Taking the dual ( landrace × yorkshire ) weaned piglets as the object , the effects of different nutritional level diet on the dressed carcass and meat quality to weaned piglet were studied in the article .

  26. 为跟踪体外预应力混凝土梁的软化段路径,建立了一种基于法平面弧长算法的有限元模型,可预测梁从开始加载直到失效的非线性响应。

    To trace the softening path of externally prestressed concrete beams , a finite element model based on the normal plane arc-length algorithm was developed , which is capable of predicting the nonlinear response of the beams from zero loads up to ultimate loads .

  27. 将24头长×大二元母猪随机分为4组,每组6头,以研究半乳甘露寡糖添加在2种营养水平日粮中对其泌乳性能和血清激素水平的影响。

    Twenty-four sows ( Landrace × Yorkshire ) were randomly divided into 4 groups with 6 replicates in each and 2 diets differing in nutritional level were enriched with GMOS ( galacto-mannan-oligosaccharides ) to study the effects of GMOS on their lactating performance and serum hormones .