
  • 网络Long-term Investment;long-term;long term investment;investment
  1. 这家公司才刚刚开始收获长期投资的回报。

    The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments

  2. 李泽楷全资所有的投资公司盈科拓展集团(PacificCenturyGroup)周一表示:(美国国际集团的业务)符合我们的投资哲学,即对高质量业务进行长期投资。

    Pacific Century Group , the investment vehicle wholly-owned by Mr Li , on Monday said : [ The AIG operation ] suits our investment philosophy of making long-term investments in quality businesses .

  3. 股票市场长期投资的收益比现金存款要高。

    Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits .

  4. 然而,华特强调,对于投资者和MartinCurrie来说,中国都是一个值得长期投资的地方。

    However , Mr Watt stresses he sees China as long-term commitment , both for investors and Martin Currie .

  5. 扎克伯格的新公司想做的可能也正是这类长期投资项目,虽然Alphabet不是慈善机构。

    They are long-term investments of the kind Mr Zuckerberg 's new venture can make , although Alphabet is not philanthropic .

  6. 考虑到这些QFIIA股基金的中长期投资目标,此类产品或许将存在下去。

    Considering the mid-to-long-term investment objectives of these QFII A-share funds , such schemes will probably persist , Ms Hu says .

  7. 使用到期收益率(YTM)来衡量长期投资资产的收益能力,同时通过久期(duration)考察其潜在利率风险。

    Using Yield to Maturity ( YTM ) to measure return of long-term investments and using duration to measure the potential interest rate risk .

  8. 与早些时候相比美国IPO的相对稀少,招致了风投行业的警告,称这可能影响新增就业和长期投资回报。

    The relative scarcity of IPOs in the US , compared to earlier periods , has brought warnings from the venture capital industry that it could damage new job creation and long-term investment returns .

  9. 阿萨巴斯卡董事长比尔加拉切尔(BillGallacher)昨日表示:油砂项目是资本密集性很强的长期投资领域,很难在传统的股权市场上获得全额融资。

    Oil sands projects are very capital-intensive , long-term investments and difficult to fully finance in the traditional equity market , Bill Gallacher , Athabasca 's chairman said on Monday .

  10. 同样尺寸的1080p电视机更加便宜,但大屏幕电视机是一笔长期投资,物有所值。

    It would be less expensive to buy a screen of the same size in 1080p . But large-screen TVs are a long-term purchase and represent great value for money .

  11. Mukuka还说,中国应该承诺进行长期投资,并在赞比亚建立起一所科技大学来促进地方能力建设。

    Mukuka says China should commit to long-term investment and set up a university of science and technology in Zambia to help build local capacity .

  12. 多少次回想我们都恨不得踢自己一脚:为什么不在20来岁就开始401K(小编注:美国的一种养老金制度)计划,为什么没有将多余的现金用于长期投资,为什么没有早早的为我们未来投资。

    How many times have we kicked ourselves for not starting our 401Ks , in our twenties , for not putting our excess cash in long term investments , for not investing in our future early .

  13. 去年,由世界银行多变投资担保机构(MIGA)的研究表明,政治风险超过了经济不稳定以及基础设施恶劣,成为投资者们在发展中国家进行长期投资的最大顾虑。

    A survey last year by the World Bank 's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ( MIGA ) found that political risk was the biggest deterrent for investors in developing countries over the longer term , ranked ahead of economic instability and bad infrastructure .

  14. 银行体系基本上只对短期资本需求做出反应,因此企业需要借助包括股市和债市等资本市场获取中长期投资的融资服务。

    Banking systems basically respond to the needs of short-term capital .

  15. 但投资者在进行较长期投资时应该更多地考虑到这种风险。

    But the risk should be priced more into longer-term investments .

  16. 这是一项长期投资,而非能够迅速取得的胜利。

    This is a long-term investment , not a quick win .

  17. 长期投资决策中净现值法的应用

    The application of net present value method in long-term investment decision

  18. 个人中长期投资理财研究与分析

    Research and analysis of personal medium and long-term investment finance

  19. 长期投资决策分析中的环境因素

    On the Environmental Factor in the Decision Analysis of the long-term Investment

  20. 本文就长期投资决策分析中关于折旧问题的处理进行分析研究。

    This paper analyses and studies depreciation problem on long rang investment .

  21. 一蹴而就为长期投资资产所不齿。

    Overnight success is anathema to a long-term asset class .

  22. 内部报酬率法是长期投资决策中一种重要的投资决策方法。

    The IRR Method is an important way in long-term investment decision .

  23. 长期投资应当在会计报表中分项列示。

    Long-term investment shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statements .

  24. 可以把它称为回报无限大的长期投资。

    Call it a long-term investment , and one with incalculable ROI .

  25. 但航天计划是一项对未来的长期投资。

    But the space program is a long-term investment in our future .

  26. 中投公司表示,自己是一家着眼于获取经济收益的长期投资机构。

    CIC says it is a long-term investor focused on financial gains .

  27. 西格尔的研究和教学注重战略性长期投资。

    Siegel has dedicated his research and teaching to strategic long-term investing .

  28. 凡因处分短期及长期投资而发生之损失皆属之。

    Loss from disposal of short-term or long-term investments .

  29. 为筹措资金,进行有利于经济增长的长期投资,国内私人消费必须收缩。

    To finance growth-supporting long-term investments , domestic private consumption has to shrink .

  30. 保险对长期投资是最好的项目。

    It is the best proj'ect for long-term invest'ment .