
chánɡ qī dài kuǎn
  • long-term loan;long-term credit
  1. 银行对短期和长期贷款采用完全不同的处理方式。

    The short-term and long-term loan are handled very different by the bank .

  2. 你们公司需要短期贷款还是长期贷款?

    Well , does your company need a short-term loan or a long-term loan ?

  3. 美联储(Fed)将在本周三开会,欧洲央行(ECB)将在周四首次推出具有针对性的长期贷款,苏格兰公投结果将成为周五一大早的重要新闻。

    This week brings a Federal Reserve meeting on Wednesday , the first targeted long-term loans from the European Central Bank on Thursday and the Scottish referendum result first thing on Friday .

  4. 只要美联储(Fed)将短期借贷利率设定在低于长期贷款收益率的水平(正如过去20年很多时间中那样),银行几乎不可能不赚钱。

    Provided the Federal Reserve sets the cost of short-term money below the return on long-term loans , as it has for much of the past two decades , banks can hardly fail to make money .

  5. 通过对河南Z高校的案例分析,表明缓解高校债务危机仍然是政府主导解决,形成了贴息、短期贷款转为长期贷款、协调土地置换等经验。

    By case analysis of a university in Henan , we find the university debt crisis is still a government-led solution . Subsidies on interest payment , short-term loans transferring into long-term loans , land replacement are the experience .

  6. 因此,只剩下转换这种方法了,例如,所有现有的按揭贷款,可全部或部分转换成固定低利率的长期贷款,正如最近哈佛(Harvard)的马丁•费尔德斯坦(MartinFeldstein)所建议的那样。

    That leaves conversion , whereby , for example , all existing mortgage debts could be wholly or partly converted into long-term , low and fixed-interest loans , as recently suggested by Harvard 's Martin Feldstein .

  7. 在IMF贷款问题上,主张取消IMF的长期贷款业务,不主张扩大国际金融危机救助规模,是目前美国的主流观点。

    As to the problem of IMF loans , through the analysis in this paper , it can be seen that canceling long-term loans and not expanding the aiding scale of international finance crises are the present mainstream point of view in America .

  8. 2004年,世行向印度国内面向中小企业的第一大银行&印度小企业发展银行(SIDBI)提供了1.2亿美元贷款。目前,该笔贷款已帮助发放了多笔长期贷款。

    In2004 , a World Bank loan of $ 120 million to the SIDBI-the apex bank for SMEs in India-has helped channel long-term loans .

  9. 中长期贷款:增长态势与因果逻辑

    Medium to Long Term Loan in China : Growing Trend and Consequence

  10. 农业发展银行:一月至八月,新生中长期贷款持续增长。

    ADBC : New medium and long-term loans rise in Jan-Aug.

  11. 欧洲央行提供的低息长期贷款,应有助于稳定欧元区金融体系。

    Cheap longer-term central-bank funding should help stabilise the eurozone financial system .

  12. 债券是长期贷款的传统形式。

    The traditional form of long-term lending is the bond .

  13. 这就是长期贷款的资金来源。

    So that 's where the source of long-term money has come .

  14. 至于为新型企业提供的长期贷款,压根就别想了。

    As for long-term loans for new ventures , it can forget them .

  15. 中长期贷款增长与未来货币政策走势研究

    Mid-to-long-term Loans Growth and Trend of Future Monetary Policy

  16. 发放短期、中期和长期贷款;

    Issue short-term , medium-term and long-term loans ;

  17. 在新增贷款中,中长期贷款占32%。

    Of the newly increased loans , long-term and medium-term loans accounted for32 percent .

  18. 近年来,我国商业银行中长期贷款占比呈现日益上升的趋势。

    In recent years , the long-term loans share of commercial banks showed rising trend .

  19. 购置高价住宅的借款人相对于购置中低价格住宅的借款人更倾向选择中低比例长期贷款;

    High-price house buyers prefer low proportion long-term loans as compared to mid-and-low price house buyers ;

  20. 学生贷款是你承受得起的债期最长、利息最低的长期贷款。

    Student loans are the longest , the cheapest long-term debt you will ever be offered .

  21. 银行发放的是长期贷款。

    The bank lends long .

  22. 同时,选择一条新的长期贷款偿还你更会降低成本。

    Also , choosing a longer term to repay your new loan will lower the costs even more .

  23. 为了买豪华住房,他们宁愿选择巨额的长期贷款。

    They take big long-term loans from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses .

  24. 未婚借款人更倾向高比例贷款;年轻借款人和高等教育程度借款人更倾向长期贷款。

    Unmarried borrowers prefer high proportion loans and young borrowers and borrowers with college education prefer long-term loans .

  25. 不过,如果美联储的长期贷款承诺负担过重的话,就可能会难以实现这个目标。

    But if it is loaded down with long-term commitments , that could be tricky to pull off .

  26. 储贷业历来吸收小储户的存款,把它投入到购买住房的长期贷款之中。

    Traditionally , S & Ls collected small savers ' deposits and invested them in long-term home mortgages .

  27. ·不必归还的长期贷款,但当公司盈利时要付股息。

    Long-term money that need never be paid back , and for which dividends are paid when profits permit .

  28. 利率的上升与下降,对长期贷款的成本来说没什么不同。

    In itself , that makes no difference to the real cost of servicing a loan over its lifetime .

  29. 比如该公司没有较多的长期贷款,短期贷款多,且偿还能力较好。

    For example , the company no more long-term loans , short-term loans , and the repayment ability is better .

  30. 以往,银行信贷是限量供应的,中长期贷款的其它非银行来源也被有效封堵。

    In the past , bank credit was rationed , and other non-bank sources of medium to long-term debt were effectively suppressed .