
chánɡ máo
  • long-haired rebels;long hair;long wool


zhǎnɡ máo
  • become mildewed;grow mildew;grow hair
长毛 [cháng máo]
  • [long hair] 满清统治者对太平天国军队的蔑称

  1. “纯子”和“长毛”的恋情最早曝光是在去年深秋。

    Junko and Long Hair 's relationship first came to light late last fall .

  2. 长毛羊皮漂白工艺

    Bleaching Technology of Long Hair Sheep Skin

  3. 饲养兔子是为了获取他们的长毛。

    The rabbits are bred for their long coats .

  4. 窝里有8只还没长毛、眼睛尚未睁开的小老鼠。

    The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind .

  5. 所有座位都上了红色长毛绒面。

    All the seats were in red plush .

  6. 那两只小老鼠还没长毛,眼睛也尚未睁开。

    Those two little mice were naked and blind .

  7. 这条狗的背上有一块地方不长毛。

    The dog has a bald patch on its back .

  8. 马格斯是一只棕色大长毛狗,当她高兴得时候她会摇尾巴。

    Mugsy is a big furry brown dog , who wiggles when she is happy .

  9. 威伯从鲁维的双腿间逃了出去,鲁维没有抓到威伯,反一把搂住了长毛狗。

    Wilbur dodged9 between Lurvy 's legs . Lurvy missed Wilbur and grabbed the spaniel instead .

  10. 相比之前的方法,这种从毛发里提取基因的技术标志着一大进步。这一技术包括梳理重组冰冻的长毛象骨头里的DNA。

    The hair technique marks a giant 's step forward compared to the previous method , which consisted of teasing DNA out of the remains of frozen bone marrow .

  11. 结果:炎性假瘤主要的CT表现是边缘可清楚或模糊,无明显分叶,可有长毛刺,胸膜增厚粘连,周围肺纹理增多增粗等。

    Results the main CT findings of inflammatory pseudotumor are that the edges are smooth , no-lobulation , long thorn , local pleural thickness and adhesion , thickening and bending of pulmonary grain .

  12. 长毛兔的毛特别柔软,因而十分有名,深受人们喜爱。Chu教授用剪刀给兔子剃毛,一次也没伤到她这些毛茸茸的朋友们。

    Long famed and desired for their incredibly soft fur or wool , Chu uses scissors to shear her rabbits , never once harming her fluffy friends .

  13. EM口服液对牦牛犊增重效果的影响牦牛一种生长在中亚山区的长毛野生牛(牦牛)

    Effect of Oral Solution of Effective Microorganisms on Liveweight Gain of Yak Calves A wild , shaggy - haired ox ( Bos grunniens ) of the mountains of central Asia .

  14. 长毛狗:大师Karen将狗狗身上的毛勾勒得“淋漓尽致”,据Karen说,宠物蛋糕最能受到大家的喜爱。

    Sweet stuff : This dog cake had to be carefully shaded by Karen and her team of decorators . The designer says pet cakes are always popular

  15. Yeh和她的同事发现,来自短毛羊的血液在标准的实验中能够得出同长毛羊血一致的结果。

    Yeh and colleagues found that blood from hair sheep performed just as well as wool-sheep blood in standard tests .

  16. 呃,如果你喜欢耳朵里长毛的话…hate:恨,讨厌score:分数bringfor:带给真讨厌,既然我不用Chuck找人替我考的成绩,我每晚都得挑灯夜战了。

    Serena : Mm , well , if hair in the ears is your thing ... I hate that since I 'm not gonna use the score chuck bought for me , I have to study every night .

  17. DonnaKaran的长毛山羊手包可以视为可爱版的CousinIt,定价1995美元(其实应该配套出售一款梳子,梳理这么长的毛)。

    Donna Karan 's long-haired goat bag , looking like an adorable Cousin It , is priced at $ 1,995 ( it should come with a comb ) .

  18. 有着雪花图案的灰色地砖总是一尘不染,尽管她的长毛geng(反犬旁那个更,这里出不来,悲剧了。)经常会把它的毛发掉落一地,尽管敞开的大门正对着一条满溢尾气、嘈杂的、尘土飞扬的大街。

    The grey floor-tiles with their snowflake motif were always swept clean , even though her fluffy mongrel terrier shed his long hair everywhere , and though the door was kept open to get some air in from the bike-filled , rowdy , dusty street .

  19. 本文指出全内反射长毛细管吸收池(TR-LCC)的最主要特点是有效光路的倍增和测量动态范围的加大,明确定义了有效光路增大比。

    The most important advantage of total reflection long capillary cell ( TR-LCC ) or optical wave guide cell ( OWGC ) is multi-fold increasing of effective path length and enlargement of measuring dynamic range . Enhancement ratio of effective path length has been defined .

  20. 长毛兔幼兔用颗粒料的研究报告

    A report on studying of pellet feed for young Angora rabbit

  21. 长毛对虾酸性磷酸酶功能基团的研究(Ⅱ)

    Studies on functional groups of acid phosphatase from Penaeus penicillatus (ⅱ)

  22. 德系长毛兔颗粒饲料保鲜储藏研究

    Studies on Keeping-freshness Storage of Pellet Feed for German Angora Rabbits

  23. 对于长毛型的玩具动物,我们听到有些家长们评语不佳。

    We 've heard parents comment unfavorably about long-haired toy animals .

  24. 那狗咬我时,我变成了长毛。

    When the dog bit me , I turned into shaggy .

  25. 沂蒙巨型长毛兔品系选育研究

    Studies on Line Breeding of Yimeng Coarse - wool Angora Rabbits

  26. 不知道可能因为你是长毛象

    I don 't know . Because you 're a mammoth .

  27. 低脂白乳酪小盒装的感觉发霉长毛了

    Cottage cheese low fat small curd a touch of fuzz .

  28. 美系獭兔和苏Ⅰ系粗毛型长毛兔的遗传多样性分析

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity of American Rex and Su-line Angora Rabbit

  29. 论述了房屋建筑墙体长毛问题。

    The mildewing problems of walls for housing structures are described ;

  30. 毛发:长毛,光亮,直毛或者微微弯曲。

    HAIR : Long , shining , straight or slightly wavy .