
  • 网络Changsha Railway Station;iron mic
  1. 本论文对以往国内外研究理论和规划方法进行整合分析,不仅丰富了我国高铁客运站交通衔接规划的理论,而且为新长沙站的交通组织规划提供了科学的参考依据。

    The present thesis which based on the analysis of theories and methods about the planning of high-speed railway station , not only enriches our theory on the traffic joint planning but also provides a scientific reference to traffic planning of the new Changsha railway station .

  2. 预应力变角张拉技术在新长沙站工程中的应用

    Application of prestressed angle-changing extension technology on project of new Changsha station

  3. 武广高速铁路新长沙站交通衔接规划研究

    Research on Traffic Joint Planning of Wuchang-Guangzhou High Speed Railway Station of Changsha

  4. 山与水的交响:新长沙站设计方案

    The symphony of Mountains and Rivers

  5. 如果长沙站水位降到25米、株洲站水位降到27.5米、湘潭站水位降到26.63米,三个城市城镇居民的生活以及工业生产用水都将受到极为严重的影响;

    If the water level drops to25 meters in Changsha , 27.5 meters in Zhuzhou and26.63 meters in Xiangtan , the drought will strongly affect people 's living in the three cities .

  6. 外掺MgO筑坝技术在长沙水电站拱坝中的应用

    Admixture MgO Used for Building Changsha Double-curved Arch Dam

  7. 上个月,陈宇舟百感交集地离开了长沙火车站。

    Chen Yuzhou left Changsha train station with mixed feelings last month .

  8. 长沙火车站广场照明设计

    A Lighting Design of Changsha Railway Station Square

  9. 新长沙火车站

    New Changsha Railway Station

  10. 随着高校开学日期的临近,长沙火车站当日迎来了暑运客流高峰。

    As the opening of schools approaches , the peak summer transportation in Changsha Railway Station is coming .

  11. 去年春节期间,住在长沙火车站的流浪人群引起了他的注意。

    During last year 's Spring Festival , the group of homeless people at Changsha train station caught his eyes .

  12. 主要交通线已经恢复正常了,不过到了长沙火车站,还得要很长时间才能到家。

    May : The major roadways are back to normal , but it 'll still take a long time to get home from the Changsha Railway Station .

  13. 结合长沙火车站广场的特征和照明设计的基本要求,阐述了广场照明、广场绿化照明以及道路照明的设计方法。

    ; Relative to the features of Changsha railway station square and basic demands of lighting design , this paper gave out the design methods about the square lighting , landscape lighting and road lighting .

  14. 本文是以长沙市黄花机场站坪扩建项目为工程背景进行的工程项目投资决策管理的系统研究。

    The thesis is systematic research on the decision-making management engineering project investment with the background of enlargement project of Changsha Huanghua Airdrome .

  15. 最后,本文用一个设计实例&长沙市城南火车站广场的改建设计,对本文提出的理论和方法进行了一次实际的检验。

    Finally , through a design case & the public square design of the old railway station in the south of the Changsha City , the paper carried out a actual checkout on theory and method brought forward by the paper .

  16. 与此同时,处在中国中部地区的中心城市之一的长沙市,正站在一个新的历史时点上,如何在各地竞相提质加速发展的背景下实现新的战略突破成为目前长沙市发展面临的重要课题。

    Meanwhile , the city of Changsha , which is one of the central city , is standing at a new historical point , how to achieve accelerated development of new tactic breakthrough has become an important issue for the development of Changsha .

  17. 第四部分:长沙私立教育的历史地位。这时期长沙私立教育始终站在湖南教育发展的前列,奠定了长沙近代新式教育的初步基础。

    Part ⅲ: analysis on the developing characteristics and prosperous reasons of the private education of Changsha .

  18. 第五部分,以长沙市两个重要的地铁站点:五一广场、长沙火车站为例,进行研究分析。

    Part 5 , Two important with Changsha subway stations : 51 Square , Changsha Railway Station as an example , and Analysis .

  19. 建议广州&长沙间采用摆式列车,以便将这一快速列车延长至长沙站。

    It is suggested to adopt tilting train between Guangzhou and Changsha in order to extend the express train to Changsha station .