
  • 网络long beach;Port of Long Beach;Long Beach Harbor
  1. 1995年以来,长滩港的集装箱吞吐量增长了一倍多。

    Container traffic at long beach has more than doubled since 1995 .

  2. 只有一艘船是2:30离开长滩港的。

    There 's only one ship scheduled to leave long beach at2:30 .

  3. 但有些事情,长滩港可做不多。

    But some things the port can do little about .

  4. 去年在长滩港,比例约为一半。

    Last year at Long Beach it was about half .

  5. 洛杉矶港和长滩港的官员也希望日本情况能够好转。

    That hope is shared by officials at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach .

  6. 但长滩港仍可折射出全球经济的现状,尤其是对美国贸易来说。

    But long beach still offers a prism on the global economy , and on US trade in particular .

  7. 国际贸易也显著-洛杉矶港口和长滩港也是世界上最繁忙的。

    International trade is also significant & the port of Los Angeles and Long Beach is one of the busiest in the world .

  8. 但前景是乐观的:一份2009年的报告预测,到2030年,洛杉矶港/长滩港的吞吐量将翻一番。

    But the outlook is strong : a 2009 report predicted a doubling of container traffic at Los Angeles / long beach by 2030 .

  9. 奥拓说,长滩港的运输时间、设施和成本结构方面的优势,将确保它在许多船商心目中维持住作为通往美国消费者的“优先关口”地位。

    The transit times , facilities and cost structure at long beach , says Mr Otto , will ensure it stays the " preferred gateway " to American consumers for many shippers .