
  • 网络The door is unlocked;Door Unlocked
  1. 呃,门没锁,他也不在里面。

    Well , the door was unlocked , but he wasn 't here .

  2. 他是在门没锁的时候进去的。

    He walked in when they weren 't locked .

  3. 进来吧门没锁

    Come on in . It 's open .

  4. 但是门没锁

    And the door is unlocked .

  5. 门没锁。我强迫自己稳住呼吸,然后打开了门。

    It was unlocked . I fought to catch my breath , and opened the door .

  6. 门没锁。

    The door is unlocked .

  7. 门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。

    She went inside and sat in a stupor . She was near collapse , barely able to move her swollen feet .

  8. 我就这样愣在那儿,一边还在发抖,接着又听到有人上楼的声音,离我越来越近。我暗自祈祷门没锁,就往其中一扇门冲去。

    I trembled and froze on the spot . Then I heard someone coming up the stair closer and closer and I lunged for one of the doors , praying that it wouldn 't be locked .

  9. 他忽然想起门还没锁。

    He suddenly remembered that the door hadn 't been locked .

  10. 我的门没办法锁上。

    I can 't lock the room with my key .

  11. 我真蠢,走的时候门都没锁。

    It is very foolish of me , I shall have locked the door when I leave .

  12. 我一直走到房门前,转了转门把手。门没动,是锁着的。

    I walked along to the door and turned the handle.The door didn 't move.It was locked .