
shǎn shuò xiàn xiànɡ
  • flicker phenomenon;scintillation;blinking
  1. 在微波遥感和卫星通信领域内,对流层湍流大气引起的信号闪烁现象的研究是至关重要的一个问题。

    In the fields of microwave remote sensing and satellite communication , it is an important problem for the investigation of the received signal scintillation due to troposphere turbulence .

  2. 每年5&7月为闪烁最大活动期,在这些月份的夜间常出现法拉弟旋转角类波扰动伴随有强闪烁现象。

    In a year , May-July are months of maximum scintillation activity , but nighttime scintillation is closely associated with wavelike perturbation of Faraday rotation .

  3. 本文主要介绍Java文字及图像动画的实现方法,并讨论了如何采用双缓冲技术消除画面的闪烁现象。

    This passage mainly introduces the realization method of making Java words and pictures cartoon furthermore , it talks about how to reduce the flashing atmosphere with double-cache technic .

  4. 介绍了Java动画的实现方法,着重讨论了如何采用双缓冲技术来消除画面闪烁现象,并用实例程序来说明此技术。

    The method of realizing java animation is introduced , and then emphasized on discusses of how to clear up phenomena of twinkle with double_ buffering technique , and use an example to show this technique .

  5. 用数字技术消除电视中的闪烁现象

    Eliminate the Flicker Phenomenon of Present TV by Digital Technology

  6. 在荧光屏下闪烁现象往往会更加明显。

    Flickering tends to be more noticeable under fluorescent lighting .

  7. 启动快,没有闪烁现象,没有噪音。

    Instant start , no flickering , no noise .

  8. 预混气体燃烧火焰闪烁现象分析

    On the flicker of premixed flames

  9. 其中,在显示电路中,提出并使用了一种新的消隐方法,克服了传统静态扫描显示的闪烁现象;

    In order to overcome the twinkling of the display a new method of eliminating the trace is used .

  10. 系统的不足是观看到的图像存在著闪烁现象,容易使眼睛疲劳,影响立体效果。

    The drawback of the system is the flicker problem which makes the eyes strain and affects stereoscopic perception .

  11. 针对单脉冲测角会出现的角闪烁现象,给出了处理角闪烁的办法。

    For angle glint induced in angle measurement by monopulse radar , a method for processing such case is achieved .

  12. 利用彩色页面法显示动画,消除了画面上的闪烁现象,视觉效果良好。

    " Color Page " is a good method in order to display cartoon and dispel twinkle on the frame .

  13. 这样的显示不但降低了分辨率,而且由于其帧频较低而发生严重的闪烁现象。

    Such display does not only reduce attainable differentiated ratio , but also may cause glint because of low frame frequency .

  14. 如果你遇到深入的构件(表面互相紧密会产生闪烁现象),近裁剪面尽可能设置大点。

    If you are experiencing depth artifacts ( surfaces close to each other flickering ), try setting Near Plane to as large as possible .

  15. 如电源盒指示灯出现不停闪烁现象请立刻关机检查电脑板(节目板)的排插有无插反。

    If the power box light flashing phenomenon occurs off immediately check the computer board ( show plate ) and whether the strip inserted upside .

  16. 星际闪烁现象和星际介质的深入理解,使脉冲星星际闪烁已成为研究诸如脉冲星辐射区结构和脉冲星速度等脉冲星本身性质的重要工具。

    The progress on determining distribution of scattering plasma in the galaxy , resolving pulsar emission region and measuring pulsar velocities based on interstellar scintillation are also described .

  17. 由电网电压波动引起的照明灯光闪烁现象,即闪变,给人们的日常工作和生活带来了许多不便。

    The voltage fluctuation introduced the glitter of lighting ( the light flickering ), and this glitter is called flicker which causes much uneasiness to daily work and life .

  18. 此种灯会有闪烁现象,引发癫痫,制作质量差的还会泄露紫外线,导致癌症。

    The lights can flicker , which could set off epileptic fits , and badly made ones might leak ultraviolet radiation , and may thus pose a cancer risk .

  19. 实时显微立体成像系统是微操作系统的视觉传感器和观测器,实时立体成像中存在的闪烁现象是影响立体效果的主要因素之一。

    The system of real time micro stereoscopic imaging is optical sensor and visualizer in micro manipulating system . Flicker in the real time stereo imaging is one of the key factors that affect the stereo imaging .

  20. 采用目前工业监控环境中的图形动态交互技术,针对图形刷新闪烁现象这一关键问题提出了不同的解决方法。

    According to the dy - namic interacting technology for the industry monitoring environment today , a new resolvent presented here , makes it possible to avoid the key problem of screen flicker in figure dynamic displaying .

  21. 本文从射电、红外、可见光三个波段对激变变星的观测现象,如流量分布、光变曲线、驼峰现象和闪烁现象,以及对这些观测现象的理论解释作一简单介绍。

    In this paper , we introduce some observational characteristics about Cataclysmic Variable at the radio , infrared and optical band , such as flux distribution , light curve , hump phenomenon and flickering . We also present some simple theoretical explanations of them .

  22. 普通彩色电视机图像中频信号和伴音中频信号是在同一通道中进行处理的,并采用隔行扫描的方式来消除图像大面积闪烁现象。

    The common color television picture intermediate frequency ( PIF ) signal with sound intermediate frequency ( SIF ) signal are handled in the same passage , and the way of the adoption line alternation scanning to dissolve the big area in picture gleams phenomenon .

  23. 介绍了由2156构成的镇流器系统工作原理,该镇流器降低了导通条件,消除了闪烁和失控的现象。

    This article introduces the work principles of ballast system based on IR2156and the ballast lows the conditions of electric conduction and eliminates the phenomena of the glitter and non-control .

  24. 分析美国早期用CPA技术进行实验时彩色图象边缘部分严重闪烁的原因,论述在我国现行电视标准下可以消除这种边缘闪烁现象。

    It analysed the edge-flicker effect , produced at the time that CPA technique was first suggested in early NTSC system , pointed out this effect can be eliminated under conditions of present chinese TV standard .