
  • 网络flash furnace
  1. 1994年,大西洋铜业公司在其铜熔炼厂开始了新的扩建项目&增加闪速炉和PS转炉的处理能力,精矿熔炼能力达到100万t/a;

    In 1994 , Atlantic Copper began a new expansion project in its copper Smelting , increasing the intensity of the Flash Furnace and PS converters processes , to reach a smelting capacity of some one million tonnes per year of concentrates .

  2. 研究了以浸出氧化中和法处理闪速炉电收尘(FFEP)烟灰,并将其中的砷以砷铁渣形式脱除。

    A new technic for treating with flash furnace electric precipitation ( FFEP ) dust by leaching , oxidation , neutralization and removal arsenic by producing ferrous arsenate slag is studied .

  3. 闪速炉处理高Pb、Zn、As精矿的探讨

    Inquisition on Smelting High Pb , Zn , As Concentrate in Flash Furnace

  4. 铜闪速炉和转炉冶金计算CUFC软件开发

    Development of software CUFC for metallurgical calculation of copper flash smelting and converter

  5. 闪速炉炼铜炉渣中含Fe3O4较高,这是渣含铜高和沉淀池结瘤的主要原因。

    The slag of copper flash smelting contains high Fe 3O 4 , which is the main reason for high copper content in the slag and nodule formation in a settler .

  6. 结合某大型铜冶炼厂闪速炉生产区域的控制系统设计,介绍美国HONEYWELL公司DCS系统中相关电气部分的LM逻辑控制器及US操作站的应用、实践和体会。

    The application , practice and experience of the logical controller LM for relevant electrical parts and US operation station in DCS system of HONEYWELL Inc. , U.S.A. are introduced by combining the design of control system for flash furnace production line in one large copper smelter .

  7. 浅谈闪速炉处理高杂质精矿炼铜

    Treating concentrate with high impurities to smelting copper from flash furnace

  8. 金川镍闪速炉渣指标控制生产实践

    Plant Practice of Slag Index Controlling of Jinchuan Nickel Flash Furnace

  9. 闪速炉反应塔炉壁温度场的数值解析

    Numerical simulation on temperature field of reaction shaft in flash smelter

  10. 闪速炉的仿人模糊质量控制模型

    Human Simulating Fuzzy Quality Control Model for Flash Smelting Furnace

  11. 铜闪速炉沉淀池流场及温度场仿真优化

    Numerical Simulation and Operating Optimization of Settlement Pool in Copper Flash Furnace

  12. 闪速炉反应塔炉衬内形的检测系统研究

    A measuring system for lining 's shape of flash stove reaction tower

  13. 金隆闪速炉冷修方案探讨

    Discussing on Cool Repair Project of Flash Furnace in Jinlong

  14. 金隆闪速炉精矿喷嘴运行实践

    Operational practice of concentrate burner at Jinlong Copper Flash Furnace

  15. 闪速炉设计及操作中的节能技术和措施

    Energy saving technology and measures in flash smelting furnace design and operation

  16. 金川镍闪速炉熔炼渣和冰镍的表面张力及其界面张力

    Interfacial Tension between Smelting Slag and Matte in Jinchuan Nickel Flash Furnace

  17. 闪速炉烟尘系统技术改造

    The Technical Modification for Smoke Dust System of Flash Furnace

  18. 闪速炉高品位冰铜冶炼方法探讨

    Approach to High-grade Matte Smelting Process by Flash Smelting Furnace

  19. 金川镍闪速炉512m~2电收尘器改造实践

    51.2m ~ 2 Electrostatic Precipitator Improving Practice on Jinchuan Nickel Flash Furnace

  20. 闪速炉精矿装入量计量控制系统开发与应用

    Application and Development of Metering Control System of Flash Furnace Concentrate Charge

  21. 闪速炉废热锅炉安全检修

    Safety Inspection on Waste Heat Boiler of Flash Furnace

  22. 关于从闪速炉烟气中回收硫磺新技术的经验

    Experience with new technology for sulphur recovery from flash smelting furnace process gas

  23. 闪速炉冷却元件的结构与设计

    The Structure Design of Cooling Element in Flash Furnace

  24. 中国第一座闪速炉炼铜厂的第一年

    First year of first copper flash smelter in China

  25. 闪速炉炉体结构改造与冷修实践

    Structural modification and cold repair of flash smelting furnace

  26. 金川镍闪速炉贫化区炉顶结构的改进

    Improvement of the Cleaning Zone Roof Structure of Nickel Flash Smelting Furnace Jinchuan

  27. 国内铜闪速炉炉体冷却的发展趋向

    Development trend of furnace cooling for domestic copper smelting

  28. 贵溪冶炼厂闪速炉炉体第二次改造

    The second rebuilt of flash furnace in Guixi Smelter

  29. 闪速炉内衬镁铬砖的设计与选用

    Design and Choice of Magnesite-Chrome Brick in Flash Furnace

  30. 金川镍闪速炉首次大中修技术改造

    Technical Modifications in the First Overhaul of the Nickel Flash Smelting Fumace in Jinchuan