
  • 网络Close Force;closure force
  1. 根据闭合力与液膜承载力的平衡条件得到了与给定ω对应的hi和β。

    Corresponding to a given ω, hi and β can be obtained by the equilibrium condition between the closing force and the bearing force of fluid film .

  2. 检查闭合力,必要时重新调整。

    Check closing force and re-adjust if necessary .

  3. 研究表明,可通过调节闭合力可实现对泄漏率的控制;

    The result shows that the leakage rate can be controlled by adjusting the closing force .

  4. 阐述了什么是未配合闭合力?未配合闭合力的产生及计算方法,以及如何考虑未配合闭合力做斜拉桥的正装分析。

    Not cooperate close together , do not close together with consideration of the cable-stayed bridge days analysis .

  5. 残余压应力使缺口处裂纹闭合力增大甚至可出现非扩展裂纹。

    Compressive residual stress increases the crack closure effect at the notch and may lead to a non-propagating crack .

  6. 分析了泄漏率与闭合力之间的关系,探讨了用闭合力控制泄漏率的原理。

    The relationship between the leakage rate and the closing force was analyzed , and the fundamental of controlling the leakage rate by regulating the closing force was also discussed .

  7. 报导了近门坎区Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型过载导致随后Ⅰ型裂纹扩展中闭合力、断裂表面粗糙度及裂纹尖端区域残余应力场变化的测试结果,分析讨论了影响裂纹扩展延滞的主要因素。

    It was studied that the variations in the crack closure force and the residual stress and fractured surface roughness of Mode ⅰ fatigue crack propagation in the overloading zone of Mode ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ . The main factors influencing the crack propagation retardation were analyzed and discussed .