
  • 网络indirect printing
  1. 直接电子照像印刷机间接印刷:印版并不直接与纸张接触的印刷方法。例如柯式印刷、移印等。

    Indirect printing : Process where the printing surface is not in direct contact with the paper , e.g. offset printing , pad printing , etc.

  2. 除了间接关系之外,印刷出版业本身也就是资本主义发展的一部分,并为摧毁封建主义和促进资本主义的初期发展起到了直接的作用。

    In addition to the indirect relationship between the printing press and the early development of capitalism , as one of the components of capitalism , the printing press had played a direct role in destroying the feudalism and establishing capitalism .

  3. 间接石印(柯式):由美国人鲁布把石印方法改良而成的间接印刷方法。

    Offset lithography : A modification of the lithography process by an American I.W.Rubul .