- the Minjiang River

Sedimentary texture and sedimentation in the Minjiang River Estuary
An Analysis of Remote Sensing for Sediment Movement of the Minjiang River Estuary
A Study on the Ecological Fragility in Minjiang Watershed Based on GIS Technology
Application of BP model to predicting deformation of bank-line of Minjiang river
Design of Simulating and Predicting System on Waterway of Minjiang River Based on GIS
Contents of Soil N , P and K Under Different Land Uses in Estuary Wetland of Min River
Analysis on forest landscape pattern in Minjiang watershed based on RS and GIS
Distribution of zinc and cadmium in the soil-plant systems of Minjiang estuary wetland
A preliminary study on bacteria counts in relation to COD and pH of Min River water
Constructing of Ecological Island on Lower Reaches of Minjiang River - Building of Intelligence Ecological Island Basing on Technology of 3D-GIS
Methane Emission from Scirpus triqueter Wetland in the Min River Estuary
The channel of Fuzhou Min River South Harbor is a planned national 4th-class channel .
Effects of Sulfur Deposition on Methane Emission and Carbon Cycling in Minjiang River Estuary
Quantitative Estimation of Water and Soil Erosion From Minjiang Watershed Based on Geomatics
Study on the Efficient Spatial Allocation of the Ecological Forest System in Minjiang Watershed Based on Geomatics
Research on the Administrative Degree of Fuzhou Port ( the Mouth of Min River ) VTS
Seabed morphological evolution in Minjiang Estuary in recent one hundred years based on GIS tools The landscape under oceans differs from that on the earth . It features with fluctuant landforms .
Then fuzzy synthesis appraisal method , set pair analytic method , RBF network method , matter element method and projection pursuit method were used to analyze forest carrying capacity of Minjiang river basin .
The residue analysis of DDT , BHC and petroleum in the fishes and shellfishes collected from the Minjiang estuary has been undertaken with GC and GC-MS.
Making use of the observed discharge information , real-time correcting method is brought in rainfall network programming . AR model is used to revise the simulated processes of forty five flood events .
The control net of GPS for the mainstream of the Minjiang River was established by using GPS receiver of SY-118 and the good results had been obtained .
The faults in the northwest direction are well-developed , and one of which is Min River fault with 2.0-3.0 km amplitude on Moho-surface .
The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) The concentration of total PAHs and PAH isomers obviously showed a downward trend from upstream to downstream in the sediments of Minjiang River in Fuzhou city .
The data used in the paper were got through the collection of the natural conditions and socio-economic conditions and the ecological forest system construction in Minjiang Watershed with the help of survey and geomatics technology .
The results indicate that the sea area between Minjiang Estuary and Mazu has not been polluted by HCHs and PCBs in the main , and is only slightly contaminated by DDTs .
Choosing the typical plant virus TMV as a model virus , the inactivation dynamics of it in Min River water , tap water , super-pure water , life sewage and sterile sewage under different temperatures were studied in this paper .
The widened superstructure of the Second Minjiang River Bridge in Fuzhou is of steel plate girder formed with steel plates 40 mm and 32 mm thick that are welded and fabricated on site .
Because of the high water level and large permeability in sand , the cement mixing pile was also used as the anti-seepage pensile curtain , and deep-well system was set up at the same time to depress the water line .
The Problems of Ecological Security in Minjiang River Basin and Suggestion
Station Location of Flood Forecast and Alarm System in Minjiang River