
lán wěi
  • appendix;vermiform appendix;processus vermiformis;epityphlon;vermix
阑尾 [lán wěi]
  • [appendix] 盲肠末端的蚯蚓状器官

阑尾[lán wěi]
  1. 阑尾和盲肠有关应用的解剖

    Applied Anatomy of Vermiform Appendix and Caecum

  2. 现代的君王已成了阑尾:平时无用处,一旦突出,即有被切除之虞。

    The modern king have become a vermiform appendix : useless when quiet ; when obtrusive , in danger of removal .

  3. 他不得不切除了阑尾。

    He had to have his appendix out .

  4. 我最近切除了阑尾。

    I have recently had my appendix removed .

  5. 切除阑尾的手术用时多久

    When is the operation that excises appendix used how long ?

  6. 104例阑尾切除术后小儿免疫球蛋白和补体C3测定的初步报告

    Serum Immunoglobulin and Complement C_3 Measurment after Appendectomy in Childhood

  7. 阑尾粘液囊肿的CT诊断及其临床价值

    Diagnostic value of CT Findings in Mucocele of the Appendix

  8. 目的评价阑尾脓肿的CT诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT diagnosis for the appendix abscess .

  9. 阑尾黏液囊肿X线、CT表现

    Appendical Mucous Cyst : X-ray and CT Appearance

  10. 阑尾粘液囊肿的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Appendix Mucocele

  11. george上次切阑尾是什么时候的事了?

    The last time George scrubbed in on an appendectomy ?

  12. 目的:评估阑尾粘液囊肿CT检查的术前诊断价值。

    Objective : To assess the value of computed tomography ( CT ) in the preoperative diagnosis of appendical mucous cyst .

  13. 方法对临床疑有阑尾炎的75例病人,采用造影前2d流食,造影当日清洁肠道,用足量的钡剂快速注满右半结肠,辅以体位和加压促使阑尾显影。

    Methods Seventy-five patients with clinically suspected appendicitis underwent barium enema double contrast examination .

  14. 结果:CT表现有:11例表现为阑尾增粗,壁增厚;

    Results : Helical CT findings of appendicitis included : ① The appendix enlarged in diameter , with wall thickening ( 11 cases );

  15. 9例急性单纯性阑尾炎,5例CT显示阑尾增粗,CT诊断率55.5%。

    Of 9 acute simple appendicitis , 5 cases CT showed the appendix thickening also , diagnostic rate of CT was 55.5 % .

  16. 目的:探讨儿童腹腔镜阑尾切除术(LA)CO2气腹对呼吸的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of CO_2 pneumoperitoneum on respiration in child laparoscopic appendectomy ( LA ) .

  17. 目的探讨老年人阑尾炎行腹腔镜阑尾切除术(LA)的疗效。

    Objective To study the advantages and summerize the practice of laparoscopic appendectomy ( LA ) for elderly patients .

  18. 结论:阑尾穿孔并腹膜炎患儿行LA比常规开腹术恢复快,住院时间短,切口感染及腹腔残余感染发生率明显降低,且切口疤痕小,美容效果好。

    Conclusions : LA has the advantages of quick recovery , short hospitalization , low infection rate , and small scar .

  19. 结论:阑尾粘液囊肿CT表现具有囊性水样密度或软组织密度,密度均匀,增强扫描无增强或囊壁仅有轻度环形增强等特征。

    Conclusion : Homogenous cystic or soft tissue density and no enhancement or just lightly annular enhancement may be the main characteristic changes on CT in case of appendix mucocele .

  20. 结果作过CT检查的52例急性阑尾炎均经手术及病理检查,病理报告显示急性化脓性阑尾炎35例,阑尾坏疽伴穿孔7例,急性单纯性阑尾炎9例,麦克尔憩室1例。

    Results 35 cases of them were acute suppurative appendicitis , 7 cases appendices gangrene accompanied with perforation , 9 cases of acute simple appendicitis , one cases was the Michael 's diverticulum .

  21. 结果:阑尾粘液囊肿在CT上表现为右下腹部紧邻回盲部的大小不等囊性病灶,圆形、类圆形或长条状,部分病灶内可见线状分隔影。

    Results : The size of lesions was various in the lower right abdomen closely adjacent to the cecum , the cysts were round or oval or long marsupial in shape on CT scan .

  22. 目的探讨阑尾粘液囊肿(AMC)的声像图表现,评价其临床意义;

    Objective The sonographic findings of appendical mucocele ( AMC ) and its clinical significance was studied .

  23. 目的通过本组病例报告,阐述阑尾手术同时切除Meckel憩室的意义及方法。

    Objective To evaluate the advantage of appendicectomy combined with Meckel diverticulum excision .

  24. 应用CO2激光与He-Ne激光散焦照射,配合抗生素治疗阑尾脓肿、阑尾术后腹腔残余脓肿及切口感染102例。

    We have utilize CO_2 laser and He-Ne laser focus-out irradiation and additional antibiotics to treat 102 patients for appendical abscess , post-appendectomy secondary intra-abdomen residual abscess or infectious incision .

  25. CT诊断急性阑尾炎的标准包括阑尾增粗横径超过6mm,或阑尾结石同时伴有阑尾周围的炎性改变。

    The CT diagnostic criteria for acute appendicitis included enlarged appendix ( diameter > 6 mm ), or the presence of appendicolithiasis with peri-appendiceal inflammatory evidence .

  26. 结果微型切口行阑尾切除术平均手术时间(36.9±11.2)min,平均住院时间(3.8±1.7)d;

    Results In the operation of appendectomy with mini-incision , the mean operation time was ( 36.9 ± 11.2 ) min , the mean hospital stay time was ( 3.8 ± 1.7 ) d ;

  27. 方法选择4~10岁ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级腹腔镜下行阑尾切除、疝囊腹壁内环口高位结扎术患儿50例;

    Methods 50 cases ( 4-10 years old , ASAI ~ⅱ) accepted appendectomy or ligation of inner ring of the oblique hernia by laparoscopy were selected ;

  28. 方法:在腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)、腹腔镜阑尾切除术(LA)中应用‘靳氏结’处理胆囊管及其血管和阑尾残根及其系膜。

    Methods : " JIN 's knot " was applied in dealing with duct of gallbladder , blood vessel of gallbladder , mesoappendix and remnant of appendix in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and appendectomy .

  29. 目的探讨二孔法儿童微型腹腔镜阑尾切除术MLA的可行性及优越性。

    Objective To explore the availability and advantage of two-hole method with mini-laparoscopic appendectomy in children .

  30. 结论阑尾脓肿的CT表现为右下腹混合性肿块,结合临床,大多数病例可以获得正确诊断。

    Conclusions CT found localized and irregular masses with miscellany density in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen were clued to the appendix abscess . In the majority cases , the diagnosis could obtained depending on CT findings and clinical history .