
  • 网络Bop;Blowout preventer;IBOP;RBOP
  1. 用西门子PLC实现长钢轨群吊多吊集控运行将防喷器吊到滑动门上,接上隔水管。

    Realizing Multi-crane Center Control of Long Rail Crane with Siemens PLC ; Move the BOP to the moonpool door and attach the marine riser .

  2. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈。

    Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring .

  3. 如果遏制阀失败,BP可能会尝试在现有的防喷器上再安装一个防喷器。

    If the containment valve fails , BP may try installing a blowout preventer on top of the existing one .

  4. Williams高压旋转防喷器国产化要点浅析

    Key-points analysis onto the domestic design of Williams high pressure rotary blowout preventer

  5. 对Williams高压旋转防喷器用胶芯的分析研究

    Analysis and research on rubber seal of Williams high pressure rotary blowout preventer

  6. 铸造工艺CAE在大通径环形防喷器外壳生产中的应用

    The Application of the Casting Process CAE System in the Casting Production of Outer Casing of Large Bore Size Blowout Prevent

  7. 在额定工作压力和静液压试验压力2种情况下,采用ANSYS分析软件对双闸板防喷器承压主壳体进行了有限元分析计算,证明有高应力区。

    ANSYS is adopted to do analytical calculation for the BOP casing with twin-ram block under two cases of rated working pressure and static hydraulic tests .

  8. AET技术在油田防喷器检测中的应用

    Application of AET technology in Oilfield BOP inspection

  9. 根据可靠性预计结果,本课题3000m深水下防喷器组的初步设计方案满足要求。

    According to calculation result , the preliminary design for the 3000 meters subsea BOP met the requirements well .

  10. GZF高压注水井口测试防喷器的研究与应用

    Development and application of new high-pressure waterflooding wellhead testing BOP

  11. 2FZ18-35型小修作业用双闸板防喷器壳体设计

    Design and Analysis of Double Ram BOP Body Used for Workover

  12. 单闸板防喷器主壳体的有限元分析及结构优化

    Finite Element Analysis and Structure Optimization of Single Ram Type Preventer

  13. 防喷器组抗硫腐蚀开裂问题

    Some Problems on BOP Stack Resistant to Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking

  14. 我们一直在修防喷器的控制系统。

    We have been repairing the control system for b1owout preventer .

  15. 闸板防喷器是石油钻井过程中的一种重要设备。

    Ram-type blowout preventer is important equipment used in oil drilling operation .

  16. 深水海底防喷器组液压控制系统设计研究

    Deepwater Subsea BOP Stacks Hydraulic Control System Design and Research

  17. 数字化电控液防喷器控制系统的研制与应用

    Development and application of digital electric drive liquid blowout preventer control system

  18. 为便于分析,简化了双闸板防喷器的结构。

    The structure is simplified in order for easy analysis .

  19. 井口防喷器用户满意指数测评方法研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Index for Brace Blowout Preventer

  20. 小尺寸挤压丝锥在防喷器上的应用

    The Application of Little Size Extrusion Screwtap in Blowout Preventer

  21. 防喷器用户满意度测评体系和评价方法研究

    Study on evaluation systems and appraisal method of CSD for blowout preventer

  22. 今天上午我们已经没有时间试防喷器了。

    We haven 't had time to test blowout preventer this morning .

  23. 侧门是闸板防喷器中的关键部件。

    The side-door is a key component in ram preventer .

  24. 环形防喷器设计的几个要点分析

    The analysis of some questions of annular BOP in design ring shaped oscillator

  25. 可变径闸板防喷器结构研究

    Research on Structure of Variable Bore Ram Blowout Preventer

  26. 单闸板防喷器的声发射检测初步实践

    Practice of acoustic emission inspection in a single ram-bop

  27. 提高防喷器控制装置性能的探讨

    Discussion on the Improving of BOP Control System Performance

  28. 闸板防喷器密封失效原因及对策分析

    Analysis on causes of sealing failure of ram BOP and corresponding preventive measures

  29. 打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查。

    Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection .

  30. 球形防喷器的相似设计球型密封防喷盒

    A blowout - prevention device designed with spherical seals