
fánɡ hù zhào
  • guard
  1. 将防护罩确实放好后再开机器

    Ensure the guard is in place before operating the machine

  2. 把防护罩从马达上取下来,机器便不能开动。

    When the guard is taken off the motor the machine can 't start .

  3. 原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。

    The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container .

  4. 诊断用X射线管防护罩移动式诊断X射线机

    Diagnostic-type protective tube housing mobile diagnostic X-ray apparatus

  5. 诊断用X射线管防护罩

    Diagnostic-type protective tube housing

  6. 作者主要对TTS系统视频采集部分的摄像机控制、防护罩等进行了测试。

    Author tested camera control 、 shields and so on .

  7. 基于SolidWorks对四轴数控螺旋锥齿轮铣齿机防护罩进行三维造型设计

    Three Dimensions Modeling Design for Protection Shield of 4-axis CNC Spiral Bevel Gear Machine Based on SolidWorks

  8. 标准的OSHA碳钢轴和皮带防护罩。

    Manufactured carbon steel OSHA shaft and belt guarding are standard .

  9. 2.deactivatevt.失活,使无效,使不活动突击队将会降落在月球上并,把防护罩摧毁掉。

    A strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator .

  10. 救护车发动机罩盖上标有逆序反向字母的AMBULANCE字样.剃须辅助器(例如:润滑液调配器)能装进金属盖,或有时候装进防护罩。

    Ambulances have ` AMBULANCE ' printed in reverse on their bonnets . A shaving aid ( e.g. , a lubricant agent dispensing mechanism ) can be incorporated into the cap and , in some cases , the guard .

  11. 介绍了CatiaV5的发展和技术特点,介绍了其人机工程功能,以一个香烟条盒包装机防护罩的设计为例,说明了CatiaV5在产品设计中的具体应用方法。

    The development , technical characteristics , and ergonomics function of CATIA V5 were introduced . The practical application method of CATIA V5 in product design was explained with an example of a shield design of cigarette strip box packaging machine .

  12. 公司最近宣布,将投资1500万美元(约合9300万元人民币)在新加坡新建一座工厂,从而把N95防护罩的产量提升70%。

    The Minnesota-based company recently announced that it would invest $ 15 million in a Singapore plant to increase production of its N95 respirators by 70 percent .

  13. 这种产品有时被命名为N95防护罩,梁博士说它由厚厚的多层聚乙烯制成,采用紧贴面部的设计。

    Sometimes known as N95 respirators , they use thick layers of polypropylene , according to Dr. Leung , and are designed to fit tightly to the face .

  14. 另一个问题是,尽管N95防护罩能阻挡细颗粒物,它们却无法抵御另一种与交通有关的污染:像氮氧化物这样的气体或挥发性有机化合物。

    Another issue is that while N95 respirators guard against small particles , they do not combat another form of traffic-related pollution : gases like nitrogen oxides or volatile organic compounds .

  15. 润滑油填加点延伸到轴防护罩外,容易使用。

    Lube lines are extended through shaft guards for easy accessibility .

  16. 你们的武器很难穿透他们的防护罩。

    The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields .

  17. 每种防护罩填写一张,可复制填写。

    Please fill in a form per type of the shield .

  18. 另一款防护罩带有锁链,进一步保护了设备的安全。

    One model has a locking hinged cover for further security .

  19. 但是新的证据表明这一至关重要的防护罩正在减弱。

    But new evidence reveals that this vital shield is weakening .

  20. 我能理解,不过一旦防护罩运作起来。

    I understand that , but once the shield is operational .

  21. 在纵向丝杠上也可加整体铁板防护罩。

    Screw in the vertical can also increase overall plate shields .

  22. 塑料杯防护罩除草新技术研究

    A new technology for weeding with plastic cup as protective cover

  23. 高速导轨防护罩之研究与发展

    Research & development on protection cover for high speed guideway

  24. 玻璃钢安全帽的研制聚丙烯复合材料防护罩研制

    DEVELOPING OF GRP SAFETY HELMET Preparation of Engine Shield from Polypropylene Composites

  25. 我们没有获取足够的能量来开启防护罩。

    We 're just not getting enough power to the shield generators .

  26. 或许等一下我们就可以处于防护罩的保护之下了。

    Perhaps we can be under shelter while we wait .

  27. 你们的防护罩生成器是问题的根源。

    Your shield generator is what 's causing this problem .

  28. 箭射在防护罩上,擦了过去。

    The arrows struck the protective covering and glanced off .

  29. 当防护罩被毁灭,精神体就逃脱出来。

    When it was destroyed , that essence was released .

  30. 用软布抹拭清洁防护罩。

    To mop and clean shield with a soft cloth .