
  • 网络Impermeable geomembrane;HBTE
  1. 结果表明,(1)应变片对PVC、LLDPE、HDPE三种防渗土工膜均存在约束效果,弹性模量大的材料所受约束较小。

    The results indicate that : ( 1 ) It is found that Strain gauge has a binding effect on antiseepage geomembrane PVC , LLDPE , HDPE , and the bigger elastic modulus of the material has , the smaller restraint is subjected to .

  2. 防渗土工膜被撕裂是常见的衬层破坏现象。

    The avulsion of the antiseepage geomembrane is a common phenomenon .

  3. 电学渗漏检测在防渗土工膜施工质量保证中的应用

    Application of Leak Detection with Electricity in Quality Assurance of Geomembrane Installation

  4. 防渗土工膜生产技术

    Production Techniques of Leakproof Geomembrane

  5. 防渗复合土工膜设计和施工

    Design and construction of the anti - seepage composite geomembrane

  6. 覆面防渗复合土工膜材料和施工工艺试验

    Test on Compound Geomembrane Material for Seepage Control of Cladding and Its Construction Technique

  7. 堤坝中防渗(复合)土工膜的布置型式及计算理论研究

    Study on Layout Pattern and Computation Theory of Impervious ( Composite ) Geomembrane in dike and Dam

  8. 结果表明。坝基采用垂直防渗墙与坝体土工膜斜墙相结合的防渗体系,能较好地处理坝体和坝基的渗漏问题;

    Results show , the seepage control system which consisting of geo-membrane in front of dam upstream - face and vertical anti-seepage wall ( or cutoff wall ) in the dam foundation , has a good performance to deal with leakage problem in the dam body and its foundation .

  9. 但是由于应变片的弹性模型大于一般防渗膜材料,计测应变值小于应变片贴附部位周围的应变值,使得应变片在工程防渗土工膜应变测量中的适用性有一定的局限性。

    However , the elastic modulus of the strain gauge is larger than that of common antiseepage geomembrane , so the strain measured value in a spot is smaller than that of other surrounding sites .