
  • 网络burglar mesh;PVC
  1. 一楼的窗户装有防盗网。

    The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh .

  2. 住宅阳台智能隐形防盗网的设计

    Designs for the Veranda Aegis Net of Intelligence Invisible

  3. 如果是拉闸式的防盗网,要注意上锁。

    Pay attention to lock the rolling security mesh .

  4. 防盗网面面观浅谈加油站的防抢防盗措施

    A Detailed Analysis of Burglarproof Net Measures to guard against robbery and theft

  5. 与此同时,一名城市探险者证实了传闻中那扇装着磨砂玻璃和防盗网的房间是确实存在的。

    Meanwhile , an urban explorer confirmed the story about the barred and frosted windows .

  6. 介绍了由红外探测器和单片机构成阳台智能隐形防盗网的设计。

    In this paper , it is discussed that the veranda aegis net of intelligence invisible is made by use of microprocessor and infrared detector .

  7. 将防护功能和装饰功能融为一体,是有效取代传统防盗网的换代产品。

    The protection function and decorate function to merge into an integral whole , is replace a tradition to guard against theft effectively the net change a product .

  8. 汽车防劫防盗报警监控区域网系统

    The Alarm Monitor System for Preventing Car Robbery