
  • 网络Anti-theft lock;dead-bolt locks
  1. 高科技:全世界第一支运用流动气压侦测与无线传输远距离功能的数码汽车防盗锁。

    High-tech : The first vehicle digital anti-theft lock worldwide adopting the floating air pressure detecting and the remote wireless transmission technology .

  2. 摩托车防盗锁致伤分析

    Analysis on the Injury by Lock - against - theft

  3. 用于机械防盗锁检测的锁具耐久性测试仪设计

    Design of Lock Durability Tester Used in Mechanical Anti-theft Inspection

  4. 这是一家生产防盗锁地厂家。

    This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock .

  5. 而世纪西科防盗锁,摩托车锁,能有效地防止破坏性开启。

    While the Century CK Security Locks and the Motorcycle locks can prevent the opening in technical ways .

  6. 针对这种现象,高级的偷车贼,使用电子车锁信号发生器,在数秒之内即可打开各种型号的车锁,使得任何防盗锁再无安全可言。

    However , the thief can open kinds of vehicle locks within seconds with the signal generator for electronic vehicle lock .

  7. 你的后门和天井门都很容易被强行打开,所以应该安装高质量的防盗锁。

    Your back door and patio doors , which are easily forced open , should have top quality security locks fitted .

  8. 为防止机器内的香水或空气清新剂丢失,特别在机器顶部设置了防盗锁。

    The perfume or the air in the in bar of machine delightfully fresh throws to lose , establishing to guard against theft to lock in the machine coping specially .

  9. 本厂新推出的防盗保险锁,结构坚固,经久耐用。

    Our factory 's new anti-theft safety looks are Both sturdy and duraBle .

  10. 配置标准防盗五锁舌三连动电子不锈钢锁芯,安全可靠。

    Safe , using standard five-bolt with three-link electronic lock cylinder made of stainless steel .

  11. 本文介绍了基于PIC单片机、串行通信技术和无线数据传输的新型数码防盗电子机械锁的设计。

    A new kind of electronic and mechanical antitheft lock using digital code based on the technologies of PIC single-chip microcomputer , serial communication and wireless data transmission is introduced .

  12. 你可给你的房子安装防盗警报器和双重锁,但你的家对下决心要偷的人来说永远也不会是牢不可破的。

    You can fit your house with burglar alarms and double locks but your home will never be impregnable against determined thieves .

  13. 尽量安装车辆防盗报警器、排档锁、方向盘锁等防盗装置,以降低被盗可能性。

    Try to install anti-theft alarms , gear locks , steering wheel locks and other security devices for vehicles to reduce the possibility of theft .

  14. 防盗控制器是发动机防盗锁止系统的核心组成部分,负责完成与点火钥匙和发动机之间的防盗认证工作,其性能的好坏直接影响着发动机防盗锁止系统的正常工作。

    Anti-theft controller is the core of Immobilizer system , it presides over the authentication between the ignition key and the engine controller , and its performance has direct impact on the work of Immobilizer system .

  15. 传统的防盗方法主要是机械式的防盗锁,这种防盗锁很笨重,而且要把设备拆卸下来也很麻烦,因此影响到了设备的便携性。

    It goes on to say that traditional theft-prevention methods like mechanical locks are bulky and tether the device , eliminating portability and convenience .

  16. 随着汽车盗窃事件的不断增多,汽车防盗技术已经成为人们关注的热点问题,发动机防盗锁止系统具有良好的性价比和极高的安全性能,目前成为首选的汽车防盗装置。

    As the crime of car stealing is on the increase , the vehicle anti-theft technology has become a hot issue . Immobilizer , as its good cost-effective and high safety performance , has become the first choice of vehicle anti-theft devices .