
yánɡ pō
  • Sunny slope;southern slope of a mountain
阳坡 [yáng pō]
  • (1) [slope facing south]∶南侧的山坡--主要用于中国的山脉

  • (2) [adret]∶白天可充分接受阳光照射的山坡--主要用于阿尔卑斯山脉

  1. 通过DEM数字高程分析,1997年阳坡面积比1982年增加7500m~2,而阴坡面积则减少4900m~2。

    By using DEM Digital Elevation through analysis , sunny area in 1997 increased 7500 m ~ 2 more than in 1982 , while the area of shady slope decreased 4900 m ~ 2 .

  2. 而阳坡立地上刺槐细根在距树干0.5m处的垂直分布深度可达2.0m,且阴坡立地上细根密度特征值明显大于阳坡。

    In sunny slope , the vertical distribution of the roots within 0.5 m from the stem could also reach that depth .

  3. 4)高寒草原在3600&3800m(阳坡上升到4200m以上);

    Alpine steppe , 3600 & 3800 m ( sunny slope up to over 4200 m ) .

  4. 无论是在阴坡还是阳坡立地上,安塞刺槐细根表面积特征值均在土壤表层0~20cm处达到最大值,且随土层加深逐渐减小;

    Both on shady and sunny slope of the two counties , the maximum value of fine root surface area presented soil surface ( 0 ~ 20 cm ) and then decrease slowly in Ansai County .

  5. 地表30cm土层的水分变化最剧烈,变异系数超过0.6,该层次的土壤水分含量阳坡和阴坡差异不明显;

    In the 30 cm thick soil layer , the change of soil moisture was very severe , the variation coefficient was over 0.6 , but the difference of soil moisture between the shady and sunny slopes was not evident .

  6. 在70cm土层内,阳坡无水分调节层,而阴坡水分调节层厚度达30cm。

    In the 70 cm thick soil layer , there was no adjusting layer of water on the sunny slope , and yet the thickness of water-adjusting layer was up to 30 cm on the shady slope .

  7. 0-2.0m土层供水量在不同坡向差异很大,阳坡0-2.0m土层供水量占总耗水量的97%,阴坡仅占67%。

    The soil water between 0-2.0m is different in different slope direction . It accounts for 97 % of total soil water consumption in sunny slope and only 67 % in shady slope .

  8. 在阳坡,针对封育5年16年和24年蒙古栎种群,分别选择6个重复样地。

    Six repetitive plots within 5-year , 16-year and 24-year closed Q.

  9. 移植苗培育及其在干旱阳坡造林中的作用

    Cultivation of Transplants and its Roles for Afforestation in Drought South Slope

  10. 主要表现为阳坡栓皮栎的叶片厚度增厚,增加植物的保水能力;

    The thickness of the blade which grows on sun slope is increasing ;

  11. 在地形上,土壤物理性质具有明显的垂直分布规律,阴坡除土壤容重外,饱和含水量、田间持水量和萎蔫湿度均大于阳坡;

    The soil physical properties have obvious vertical distribution characteristic in the slope .

  12. 干旱阳坡半阳坡微地形土壤水分分布研究

    Soil Water in Micro-terrain on Sunny and Semi-sunny Slopes

  13. 坡向多选择在朝南的阳坡。

    Slope orientation that it select is mostly towards the south and the sun .

  14. 春旱阳坡荒山造林保活技术的研究

    Study on the technique of survival of afforestation on SUNSIDE slopes during spring drought

  15. 大青山区阳坡油松人工林土壤水分特征研究

    Study on Soil Moisture Characteristics of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in South Slope in Daqing-Mountains

  16. 在阳坡随封育时间延长乔木层盖度增长较快,而阴坡乔木层盖度增长较慢;

    Canopy coverage increased more rapidly in sunny slope than that in shade slope .

  17. 阳坡物种数目总体要大于阴坡的物种数量;

    Species number is bigger in the south slope than that of the north slope .

  18. 不同坡向的入渗率均表现为阴坡大于阳坡。

    Infiltration rate in the shady slope is greater than that in the sunny slope .

  19. 干旱阳坡侧柏造林成活率及幼林生长规律的研究

    Afforestation Survival Rate and Juvenile Growth Characteristics of Platycladus Orientalis on Arid Southern Mountain Slopes

  20. 太行山阳坡樟子松的生长表现及发展前景

    Growth Situation and Development Prospects of Mongolian Scotch Pine in Sunny Slopes of Taihang Mountain

  21. 黄土丘陵区干旱阳坡治理途径的探讨

    Discussions on the Controlling Approaches of Dry Slopes Facing the Sun in the Loess Hilly Areas

  22. 阳坡的土壤种子库密度为阴坡的2.2~3.4倍;

    Soil seed bank density in sunny slope was 2.2-3.4 times than that in shady slope .

  23. 通过对无公害栽培苹果园山楂红蜘蛛发生分布规律及防治措施的研究发现,无公害栽培苹果园越冬态山楂红蜘蛛种群数量为平地园>阳坡园>阴坡园;

    The distribution patterns and control measures of hawthorn spider mite in pollutant-free apple orchards were studied .

  24. 华北石质低山阳坡油松造林技术研究

    On afforestation techniqures of Pinus tabulaeformis on South Hilly sides of lower Rocky Mountain in North China

  25. 物种替代率阴坡高于阳坡。

    The species turnover rates at the shady slopes were higher than those at the sunny slopes .

  26. 选用2年生容器苗在阳坡造林可提高林木生长量;

    To select south slope and vessel seedling of 2-year-old could improve growth increment of the P.nigra .

  27. 半阳坡虎榛子根系较半阴坡的生物童明显减少。

    The root biomass on half sunny slope was obviously smaller than that of half shady slope .

  28. 干旱阳坡石榴水土保持经济林栽培技术研究

    Study on Pomegranate & an Economical Forest for Soil and Water Conservation on Sunshine Slope in Arid Area

  29. 阴坡较阳坡、低山较中山更适于混交林中不同物种的共存;

    Many species coexisted better on shade slope than sunny slope and in lower mountain than middle mountain ;

  30. 分析了阳坡里隧道洞口仰坡在天然状态下进行隧道开挖对坡体与隧道的变形及应力的影响。

    The deformation and stress of the slope and the tunnel under natural condition were analyzed in the tunneling .