
yánɡ pínɡ
  • the rising tone;second/rising tone in Standard Chinese
阳平 [yáng píng]
  • [the rising tone of the four tones in wodern standard Chines pronounciation] 升调;现代汉语四声中的第二声

  1. 阳平和上声的声调变化却几乎一样。

    Yangping and Shang tone 's tone sandhi can be considered the same .

  2. 单字调的主要难点在于阳平与上声的混淆。

    The main difficulty lies in word second tone and third tone of confusion .

  3. 阳平关砂金矿精选厂尾矿综合回收的研究

    Study on synthetical recovery of tailing from the cleaning mill of placer gold at Yang-Ping-Guan

  4. 零起点韩国学生阳平二字组声调格局研究

    An Experimental Study of the Pronunciation Pattern of Chinese Two-syllabic Words with Rising Tone for Korean Chinese-Learning Beginners

  5. 贵州某铅锌尾矿中铅锌硫的综合回收阳平关砂金矿精选厂尾矿综合回收的研究

    Comprehensive Recovery of Lead-Zinc-Sulfur from A Guizhou Concentrator 's Lead-Zinc Tailings Study on synthetical recovery of tailing from the cleaning mill of placer gold at Yang-Ping-Guan

  6. 至前161年,堰塞湖水南向溢流而夺古潜水河道下泄,又在龙门山以北的阳平关谷地形成新的“大泽”。

    In161 BC , the waters of the barrier lake overflowed south to the old Qian River , forming large marshes in Yangpingguan Valley to the north of Mt Longmen .

  7. 声调偏误主要表现在单字调末加尾音、去声时长较短、阳平与上声混淆三方面。

    Tonal bias mainly reflected in plus tail in the end of certain word , the word length is short of the fourth tone , confusion of the second tone and the third tone .

  8. 阳平的开头下降,上声后部升到阳平后部调位,从而导致阳平和上声的语图几乎一样。

    Second tone the beginning of the decline , third tone tune the rear of the rear position to rise to second tone , second tone and third tone leading to almost the same as the language map .

  9. 实验结果显示:(1)调域范围较窄;(2)四声习得的难易顺序与听辨实验结果相同;(3)时长偏误去声最高,阳平与上声较低。

    Experimental results show that : ( 1 ) tune domain range is narrow ;( 2 ) the tones acquisition order of ease of experimental results and perception ;( 3 ) length bias of falling highest second tone and third tone lower .

  10. 相对于单字调,韩国学生两字调的偏误比较广泛:阴平呈下降势,阳平上不去,半三声不降反升,去声高平或降不到位等等。

    Adjusted relative to one word tone , two word tone Korean students more extensive errors : first tone downward trend , second tone can not go up , half third tone rise , not fall , fourth tone is in place high flat tone or not more down .