
  1. 九为最大的阳数,所以九九又称九阳。

    Since nine is the largest yang number , nine times nine is also called " nine yangs " .

  2. 根据中国传统的阴阳五行学说,九是阳数,因此它也被称为重阳节。

    According to traditional Chinese yin and yang theory , nine is a yang number , therefore it is also called Double Yang Festival .

  3. 在《伤寒论》中,既有明确的阴、阳数之提法,又有隐含的以斗历决病、以脏腑脉象生克决生死之说。

    In Treatise on cold , there was both clear definition of Yin-Yang and implicit decisions of disease according to calendar and organs-pulse communication .

  4. 中国古人以九为阳数,九月初九,两阳相重,故叫“重阳”。

    Chinese ancients with nine for the sun count , the beginning of September nine , two suns are mutually heavy , past call " heavy sun " .

  5. 1992~2000年在实施DOTS策略的13省新涂阳病例登记数中,≥65岁老年结核病患者占11.4%。

    The population of TB casein the age group 65 or above occupied 11.4 % of all the newly registered SS + case in 13 DOTS provinces from 1992 to 2000 . Conclusion The prevalence of geriatric SS + was high .

  6. 大疫情报告数高于专报登记数,而涂阳病人报告数却低于专报数,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    The number of the epidemic situation reports is bigger than that of special reports while the number of the patients with a positive test is smaller . There is an obvious difference ( P < 0.01 ) .