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  1. 阳新县吴茱萸母树林营建技术

    Construction Technique for Seed Orchard of Evodia rutaecarpa in Yangxin County

  2. 阳新县古城八景及其山水城市特征

    " Eight scene " and mountains-water city characteristics in yangxin

  3. 赤水地区阳新灰岩储层勘探分析

    An analysis of the exploration of Yangxin limestone reservoir in Chishui region

  4. 阳新县矿产资源现状优势评价及资源承载力分析

    Assessment on the superiority and bearing capacity of mineral resources in Yangxin County

  5. 湖北阳新农村居民钩虫感染状况调查

    The Status of Hookworm-Infection in Rural Area of Yangxin County of Hubei Province

  6. 石炭系气藏天然气主要来自下伏的志留系生油(气)岩,也有部分来自上覆的阳新统。

    Carboniferous gas was mainly from Silurian source rock in east Sichuan Basin .

  7. 湖北省阳新县血吸虫病的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological study of schistosomiasis in Yangxin county in Hubei

  8. 威远构造阳新灰岩岩溶隙洞系统发育演化特征

    Development and evolution of karst fissure-cave system in Yangxin series , weiyuan structure

  9. 川东南地区二叠系阳新统断层发育。

    The faults are growing in Yangxin Series , Permian , in Southeast Sichuan .

  10. 阳新县血吸虫病流行现状与防治对策

    Schistosomiasis situation and its control in Yangxin County

  11. 赤水地区阳新统古岩溶

    Fossil Karst of Yangxing Series in Chishui Region

  12. 川南东部地区阳新统的地层破裂压力预测

    Forecasting fracture pressure in strata of Yangxin Series in the east-ern area of South Sichuan

  13. 川南地区阳新统气藏异常高压形成转化和预测

    Formation , conversion and prediction of abnormally high pressure of gas reservoirs in South Sichuan

  14. 川东、南地区阳新统缝洞储层识别是一难题。

    It is a difficult problem to recognize the Yanxin cave-fractured reservoirs in southeast Sichuan .

  15. 湖北阳新南部硅化蚀变岩中石英的矿物学研究

    Study on mineralogy of the quartz in the silicated altered rock in Yangxin county , Hubei

  16. 裂缝性碳酸盐岩储集层川东南地区阳新统碳酸盐岩储层裂缝地震预测

    The Seismic Methods for Predicting Carbonate Reservoir Cracks of Yangxin Series in Southeast Area of Sichuan

  17. 结果在整个项目实施的4年期间,全市共报告发现活动性肺结核病人1565例,其中痰菌阳性病人为714例,涂阳新登记率2005年达到了34.53/10万;

    New notification rate of smear - positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases was 34.53 per 100,000 in 2005 ;

  18. 湖北阳新农村三种肠道线虫感染状况调查

    Studies on Infection of Three Species Intestinal Nematodes in Rural Area of Yangxin County of Hubei Province

  19. 四川盆地阳新统非背斜气藏形成的控制地质因素

    The controlling geological factors in the formation of non-anticlinal gas pools in Yangxin Series in Sichuan Basin

  20. 百宝嵌&漆艺中的奇葩阳新出土商代黑漆木柄的保护处理

    The Conservation and Handling of a Late Sheng Dynasty Black Lacquer Wooden Handle Excavated at Yang Xin

  21. 四川威远地区构造应力场模拟及阳新统裂缝分析

    Simulation of tectonic stress field and crack of Yangxin carbonate rocks in Weiyuan area , sichuan Basin

  22. 湖北阳新丰山矿田矿床类型及其空间分布规律

    Study on Deposit Types and Spatial Distribution Characteristics in Fengshan Ore Field , Yangxin of Hubei Province

  23. 探索川西南地区二叠系阳新统断层裂缝储集流体规律

    A research on reservoir fluid in fault fissures in the Yangxing series of the Permian in Southwest Sichuan

  24. 湖北省阳新县血吸虫病防治中大众传媒资源调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on Mass Media Resources on Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control in Yangxin County , Hubei Province

  25. 城市历史形态与水环境&湖北省阳新县城市发展变迁剖析

    City history form and water environment & Dissection of development and changes of Yangxin County Town in Hubei Province

  26. 九种气组分判别分析表明,阳新、乐平两气藏天然气不是出自同一气源。

    Compositional analysis of nine gas samples demonstrates that these were not come from same source as the Leping gas .

  27. 鄂东杰构&阳新县祠堂建筑及文化特征初探

    Elegant Construction in the East of Hubei Province & Research on the Architecture and Culture of the Ancestral Temple in Yangxin County

  28. 气源充足,天然气主要来自玄武岩侧向的上二叠统煤系,也有来自下伏阳新统的混源气。

    The gas is mainly from P_2 coal measure on the basalt side or is the mixing source gas from bower Yangxin Series .

  29. 川西南地区二叠系阳新统有效裂缝分布规律与布井方法探讨

    Distribution Rules of the Effective Fractures in Yangxin Series of Permian in South-west Sichuan and A Discussion on the Method of Location of Wells

  30. 按压实曲线用积分求面积的方法计算结果,自志留系进入阳新统的水量最多,对阳新统的影响较大,并已为若干地球化学资料所证实。

    According to data of area integration from the compaction curve , among waters entering into the Yangxin Limestone , Silurian squeezed water is predominant .