
  1. 结果PSTT的主要临床症状为月经不调、阴道不规则出血等。

    Results The most frequent symptoms of PSTT were menoxenia and abnormal vaginal bleeding .

  2. 护理的主要内容是:充分的术前准备;术后24h严密监测出血情况,及时观察和处理疼痛、呕吐、发热、阴道不规则出血、血管血栓形成等。

    The nursing methods included preoperative preparation , observation and management of incision bleeding , the symptoms of pain , vomiting , fever , irregular bleeding of vagina , and blood vessel thrombus within 24 hours after operation .

  3. 785例阴道不规则出血的临床与病理分析

    The Pathologic Analysis of Irregular Vaginal Bleeding for 785 Cases

  4. 绝经后阴道不规则出血病因分析(附422例报告)

    Analysis of the causes of irregular post-menopause vaginal bleeding ( report of 422 cases )

  5. 药流后阴道不规则出血的彩色多普勒诊断价值

    Value of color Doppler flow imaging in the diagnosis of irregular bleeding after drug abortion

  6. 临床主要表现为月经失调(56.25%),阴道不规则出血(43.75%),不孕(50%)。

    The major clinical manifestations were menstrual disorder ( 56.25 % ), vaginal irregular bleeding ( 43.75 % ), and infertility ( 50 % ) .

  7. 结论:重视阴道不规则出血,及时诊断性刮宫是子宫内膜癌早发现、早诊断、早治疗的前提。

    Conclusion To think highly of abnormal vaginal bleeding and fractional curettage in time is the premise of early detection , early diagnosis , early treatment of endometrial carcinoma .

  8. 其中治疗组采用药物流产的同时配合体针加耳穴贴压法防治药物流产后阴道不规则出血。

    In the treatment group , drugs were adopted for abortion and body acupuncture plus auricular point taping and pressing were used for prevention and treatment of irregular hemorrhage in the vagina after drug induced abortion .

  9. 结果:发病年龄比以往文献报道略宽,阴道不规则出血占97.2%,≤45岁确诊前平均流血时间38.1个月,>45岁者为7.8个月。

    Abnormal vaginal bleeding accounted for 97.2 % . The mean bleeding time before diagnosis was 38.1 months in the patients before the age of 45 , and 7.8 months after 45.As cervical invasion was concerned about the coincidence rate of curettage and hysterectomy was 61.90 % .