
  • 网络STEP;Stepped;step-index;vstep
  1. K波段阶跃恢复二极管高次倍频器

    K & Band Frequency Multiplier Using Step Recovery Diode

  2. 基于阶跃辨识的自整定PID控制器

    Self-tuning PID Controller Based on Step Response Identification

  3. 单位阶跃函数的Fourier变换只有一种正确结果

    Correct Fourier Transformation of the Step Function Is Unique

  4. 阶跃掺杂Er∶Al2O3光波导放大器增益特性数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Net Gain Characteristics for Step Dopant Er ∶ Al_2O_3 Waveguide Amplifier

  5. 再根据阶跃响应特性来设计与计算PID调节器的最优参数值。

    From the step response characteristic , it can design and calculate the optimized parameters of PID controller .

  6. X光CCD响应特性阶跃恢复二极管倍频器

    Study on Response of X-ray Charge Coupled Device to Soft-X-ray Frequency Multiplier of Step Recovery Diode

  7. 电势阶跃法的研究结果表明,Cr(Ⅲ)的电化学成核机理是三维成核并与过电位有关。

    Chronoamperometry showed that the electrodeposition nucleation mechanisms of Cr (ⅲ) is 3-D nucleation and related to overpotential .

  8. 在MATLAB中仿真分析了推力测试系统的阶跃响应和梯形脉冲响应。

    The step response performance and the response of trapezoidal pulse is analysed by the means of simulation in MATLAB .

  9. 最后,当给系统输入单位阶跃信号时,得到不同位置调节器参数K下的阶跃响应和位置随动控制系统的最优控制律。

    Finally , when inputting unit step signal , the response of different K and the optimization control rule is gained .

  10. 本文介绍了根据对象阶跃响应曲线进行数字PID调节器参数最优整定的方法。

    This paper presents a method for optimizing the digital PID parameters on the basis of object unit-step response curve .

  11. 最后采用PID控制策略,给出了微流控系统的阶跃、矩形和正弦响应曲线。

    Finally , by using PID control strategy , the step , rectangular and sinusoidal response curves of the systems are given .

  12. 最后分析了单位阶跃函数、单个脉冲函数、N个脉冲函数在有损介质中传播时电场强度的波形变化。

    The transient responses of electric intensity in a dissipative medium are also discussed for excitation of unit step function . one pulae and N - pulse .

  13. 用阶跃响应法进行计算机控制系统对象模型辩识,提出了一种直接求取Z传函的方法,省去了求S传函的中间步骤。

    This paper , using unit step response , puts forward a direct method for identifying process in computer control system .

  14. 通过改变信号发生器的参数,可方便得到斜坡、阶跃、脉冲和e函数等各种不同波形的信号。

    Different waveform signals such as ramp function , step function , pulse function and exponential function are available by changing the parameters of the signal generator .

  15. 针对电液伺服控制径向柱塞变量泵变量机构,设计了模糊自整定PID控制器,并通过计算机仿真,再现了系统跟踪阶跃信号的系统响应。

    Aimed at electro-hydraulic servo controlling radial piston pump , self-adapting fuzzy PID controller was designed . Simulated with computer , system responses tracking step signal were reproduced .

  16. 针对DMC算法无法直接对非自衡对象进行控制的特点,推导出了一种基于非自衡对象阶跃响应的改进动态矩阵控制算法。

    A improved dynamic matrix control algorithm for a non-self-regulating plant is presented based on step response .

  17. 理论分析和实验结果比较表明,Fermi折射率分布函数能较好地描述准阶跃渐变折射率。

    It is shown that the quasi-step-graded index profile can be approximated by Fermi index profile .

  18. 交流驱动Josephson结Bloch振荡的阻抗式阶跃

    Chinese knot resistive step from Bloch oscillation on Josephson junctions driven by an alternating current

  19. 双阶跃JK触发器和多阶跃时序电路

    Double Jump JK Flip-Flop and Multiple Jump Sequential Circuits

  20. 通过有效的数学处理,并利用Markov过程理论,计算和推导了频率阶跃及高斯白噪声同时介入时环路的各种性能。

    By means of efficient mathematical processing , various performances under frequency step plus noise input are analysed - by using the theory of Markov process .

  21. 利用继电辨识得到过程的临界振荡点,选择不同的相位裕度和幅值裕度得到不同的PID参数组,并提供相应的预期阶跃响应曲线帮助参数选择。

    By identifying the limit cycle oscillation frequency point and specific amplitude and phase margin , different PID parameters are provided with anticipative step response curve to help parameter selection .

  22. 采用现场FTIR光谱法、紫外可见反射光谱法、循环伏安法、交流阻抗法和电位阶跃法研究了细胞色素c吸附行为和反应动力学。

    The adsorption behaviors and reaction kinetics have been studied using in situ FTIR spectroscopy , UV / Vis reflection spectroscopy , voltammetry , AC impedance and potential step methods .

  23. 采用时域阶跃响应及频域响应两种实验建模的方法,建立了系统的近似传递函数,用Matlab仿真的方法进行了验证分析。

    By time domain step response experimental modeling method and frequency domain response experimental modeling method , approximate coarse transfer function is constructed , check analysis is carried out in Matlab environment .

  24. 用Newmark法计算不同流速时管道对阶跃载荷的动力响应;

    The dynamic respondence of the pipes for step_load with different flow velocity are calculated by Newmark method .

  25. 托卡马克工程试验增殖堆Li冷包层的磁流体动力学压降分析数控双环直流可逆调速系统阶跃扰动动态速降分析

    MHD Pressure Drop Analysis for a Lithium Cooled Blanket of Tokamak Engineering Test Breeder Step forced Dynamic Speed Drop Analysis Digital Control , Dual Ring , Direct Current and Reversible Speed Governing System

  26. 具有阶跃阻抗结构的传输线谐振器(SIR)结构简单,在不减小无载Q值的情况下,可以大幅缩短谐振器的长度。

    The Resonator configuration with the transmission lines which has stepped impedance structure ( SIR ) is simple . On keeping the Unloaded-Q situation , we can shorten largely the Resonator length .

  27. 本文首先介绍了PID参数自整定的发展情况以及嵌入式开发平台,在理论上分析了继电反馈和基于阶跃辨识两种PID参数自整定方法,并利用Matlab对这两种方法进行了仿真。

    First , the dissertation introduces the PID auto-tuning development and the embedded system . Two PID auto-tuning methods based on relay feedback and step identification are analyzed theoretically and are simulated by Matlab .

  28. 提出闭环阻抗控制,用以改善以电容电压为同步信号时TCSC的阻抗阶跃特性。

    A close-loop control is put forward to improve the step characteristics of TCSC with capacitive voltage as its synchronization signal .

  29. 阶跃响应和频率响应实验表明系统有较好的跟踪效果,与PID控制作了对比实验,控制效果明显优于PID。

    Experiments of step response and frequency response show that the System has better tracing effect , and comparison experiments with PID control indicate the result of control is remarkably better than that of PID .

  30. 针对一类具有自衡特性的SISO系统,借助其开环阶跃输入稳态响应所提供的信息设计了一个新颖的PD型模糊控制器。

    As for the SISO system with self-balance , a new PD fuzzy controller based on the steady response of its open loop step input is introduced .