
  • 网络AXE;akers;Jensen Ackles;Arques
  1. 例如,已经退休的宇航员兼空军飞行员汤姆•阿克斯(TomAkers)认为宁愿驾驶航天飞机也不愿通过空军飞行晋升到五角大楼的办公桌边。

    Retired astronaut and Air Force pilot Tom Akers , for example , decided he 'd rather fly the shuttle than get promoted to flying a desk at the Pentagon .

  2. 副助理警察总监苏阿克斯(SueAkers)在伦敦对莱韦森调查(LevesonInquiry)表示,有证据显示贿赂是经常、一贯的做法,有时涉及可观的数额。

    Sue Akers , deputy assistant commissioner , said at the Leveson inquiry in London that evidence showed payments were frequent , regular and on occasion significant sums were involved .

  3. 尽管阿克斯百科全书式的作品描述了几十种器具,却没提到那种泵状装置,也就是我们今天所谓的“法式压滤壶”(Frenchpress)。

    Though Ukers 's encyclopedic work defined dozens of devices , it never mentioned the simple plunger-style vessel that we 've come to call the " French press . "

  4. 这种咖啡壶在英式英语中被称为cafetière,到阿克斯去世后才流行起来,但这种技术却早在他写书之前就有了。

    That coffee maker known as the cafeti è re in Britain wasn 't popular until after Ukers 's death , but the technology was around long before he wrote his book .

  5. 这种咖啡壶在英式英语中被称为“cafetière”,到阿克斯去世后才流行起来,但这种技术却早在他写书之前就有了。

    That coffee maker - known as the cafeti è re in Britain - wasn 't popular until after Ukers 's death , but the technology was around long before he wrote his book .

  6. 但是阿克斯罗德很快站在广告和他们信息的后面。

    But Axelrod stood fast behind the ads and their message .

  7. 人造纺织材料制阿克斯敏斯特羊毛织花地毯【纺】耐用的手工棉织品

    Axminster carpet of man-made textile materials ' everlasting cotton homespun

  8. “我的参与是一次信仰的飞跃,”阿克斯罗德说。

    " my involvement was a leap of faith ," Axelrod said .

  9. 那时候,阿克斯罗德仍在考虑他的选择。

    At the time , Axelrod was still thinking over his choices .

  10. 在他事业早期,或许他会不断的与阿克斯罗德争论不休。

    Earlier in his career , he might have kept arguing with Axelrod .

  11. 他不但谋杀了约翰阿布鲁奇和大卫阿克斯。

    Not only John Abruzzi and David apolskis .

  12. “巴拉克担心我们要退出了。”阿克斯罗德说。

    " Barack was concerned that we needed to be out there ," Axelrod said .

  13. 月光照在鲍曼脸上,阿克斯曼看不出他有什么伤痕。

    There was moonlight on his face and axmann could see no sign of wounds .

  14. 阿克斯罗德已经计划了一个西蒙个人支持奥巴马的电视商业广告。

    Axelrod had planned to shoot a television commercial with Simon 's personal support of Obama .

  15. 他跳下马,扶阿克斯布里奇下来,回头就再战法军。

    He dismounted and helped Uxbridge down and then returned to the business of beating the French .

  16. 阿克斯罗德认为奥巴马应该等到芝加哥市长退休然后争取该职位才对。

    Axelord thought that Obama should wait until the mayor of Chicago retired and try for that job .

  17. “最令人吃惊和满意的是在初选当天晚上这些数字在一路飙升,”阿克斯罗德说。

    " The most surprising and gratifying thing was when those numbers rolled in on primary night ," Axelrod said .

  18. 或许听从某些人例如阿克斯罗德,尤其是他的妻子也同意的建议是更加明智的做法。

    It was probably smart to follow the advice of someone like Axelrod , especially if his wife agreed with it .

  19. 西装很合体,但是当阿克斯罗德凑近看了领带后,他们两个都觉得奥巴马需要换掉它。

    The suit was fine , but when Axelrod took a close look at the tie , they both felt he needed to change it .

  20. 或许阿克斯罗德创造的强有力的广告就是要表明奥巴马与保罗西蒙和前芝加哥市长哈罗德华盛顿之间的联系。

    Perhaps the most powerful ad that Axelrod created showed Obama 's connections to Paul Simon and Harold Washington , the former mayor of Chicago .

  21. 戴维德阿克斯罗德的战略,抓住竞选的经费并且只花在电视广告上,最后证明是个天才的选择。

    David Axelrod 's strategy of holding onto the campaign 's money and spending it on TV ads only at the end proved to be genius .

  22. 演讲之前回到奥巴马杂乱的酒店房间,阿克斯罗德和吉布斯意识到他们没有考虑到那天晚上的一个重要部分。

    Arriving at Obama 's messy hotel room before the speech , Axelrod and Gibbs realized that they had not considered an important part of that night .

  23. 阿克斯罗德告诉奥巴马想象他所遇见的那些人们和他即将在竞选中遇到的,试着把他们的故事表现在平时的演讲中。

    Axelrod told Obama to imagine the people he had met and would be meeting on the campaign trail , to try to bring their stories to life in his speeches .

  24. 卡梅伦在议员们面前开起了玩笑,惹得大家不禁哈哈大笑。他说约翰逊——阿克斯布里奇和南赖斯利普的议员——并不受到集体责任规则的约束。

    Mr Cameron raised a laugh from MPs when he pointed out that Mr Johnson , MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip , was not bound by the rules of collective responsibility .

  25. 阿克斯称,根据用贿赂手段获得的信息撰写的报道中,我认为绝大多数属于淫秽八卦,而不是为了公众利益撰写的文章。

    Ms Akers said the vast majority of the stories written from the information obtained by corrupt payments were what I would describe as salacious gossip , not articles written in the public interest .

  26. “巴拉克非常富有智慧,他极其聪明的一个陷阱就是,你是如此习惯于自己是对的,以至于你总是认为自己是正确的。”阿克斯罗德观察说。

    " Barack is extremely intelligent , and one of he pitfalls of extreme intelligence is , you are so accustomed to being right that you believe you are always right ," Axelrod observed .

  27. 阿克斯罗德告诉充满希望的奥巴马他认为他是个极大的天才并且说,“我把你当作我的朋友,”但是他很可能不能赢得这次竞选。

    Axelord told the hopeful Obama that he thought Obama was a " terrific talent " and said ," I consider you my friend ," but he probably couldn 't win a race for the Senate .

  28. 对于任何参与的人来说,这个决定都很不容易。决定是在与贾里德·帕达里克和詹森·阿克斯讨论很久之后做下的。他们两人扛起这部剧的时间比某些高中生的岁数都要长。

    The decision to end the series wasn 't an easy one for anyone involved , and it only came after a long conversation with stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles , who 've carried the show on their backs for longer than some high school students have even been alive .