
  • 网络Aksai Chin
  1. 印度媒体的批评者们指出,自打中国在一场短暂的边界战争(战场包括阿克赛钦地区)中羞辱了印度后,时间已经过去了50年。

    Critics of the press point out that 50 years have passed since China humiliated India in a short war over borders , including the Aksai Chin .

  2. 由其造成的阿克赛钦的归属问题,是二十世纪五、六十年代中印边界争端发生的导火线,是中印边界争端发展为边界战争的关键。

    The Aksai Chin dispute caused by the Johnson Line was the signal of Sino-Indian border dispute and the key factor in the process from border dispute to border war in1950-60s .

  3. 斗拉特别奥里地基地是在1966年的一次地震中遭到严重破坏、无法使用后被废弃的。斗拉特别奥里地靠近中国控制的克什米尔地区,也被称作阿克赛钦。

    The Daulatbeg Oldi Air Base , abandoned in1966 after an earthquake rendered it unusable , is located close to the Chinese controlled portion of Kashmir , also referred to as Aksai Chin .