
  • 网络Argonne;Meuse-Argonne
  1. 阿尔贡国家实验室的ThomasLeCompte是LHC中ATLAS实验的物理协调员。

    Thomas LeCompte of Argonne National Lab is the physics for what 's called the ATLAS experiment at the LHC .

  2. 在美国阿尔贡国家实验室开发的MPICH基础上,结合先锋光纤通道交换网的特点,设计了基于先锋光纤通道交换网络的MPI并行通信库(简称FCMPI)。

    Based on the open-source MPICH , developed by Argonne National Laboratory , a Fibre Channel oriented MPI library ( FC_MPI ) is designed according to the character of fibre channel network .

  3. 蒙古族原先是游荡在阿尔贡河上游的一支游牧民族。

    The Mongols were formerly a tribe roaming the upper reaches of the Argun River .

  4. 我因为美洲土著人、特别是阿尔贡金人的大批死亡和被迫搬迁而获得了好处。

    I have benefited from the deaths and forced removal of Native Americans , particularly algonquins .

  5. 阿尔贡三辊式冷轧管机

    Argonne three-roll tube reducer

  6. 我在纽约州莫西干湖长大,那片土地曾经属于莫西干人/阿尔贡金人(美洲土著国家)。

    I grew up in moheganlake , in New York State , on land that once belonged to Mohegan / Algonquin peoples ( Native American nations ) .

  7. 哪怕是在我从小长大的地方曾经住着的阿尔贡金人/莫西干人,就我所知,同校没有这样的人。

    And even though algonquins / Mohegans used to live on the land where I grew up , there were none in school with me as far as I knew .

  8. 为了在世界上赢得和平,我们只得进行战斗,我们的足迹曾经穿过阿尔贡地区的森林,抵达硫磺岛的岸边,又到过朝鲜那些寒冷的山岭。

    Seeking to secure peace in the world , we have had to fight through the forests of the Argonne , to the shores of Iwo Jima , and to the cold mountains of Korea .

  9. 而这就是我为什么本周在伊利诺伊州阿尔贡国家实验室向大家发表讲话,因为很少有地方像他们一样为我们带来这么大的希望—掌控我们自己的能源。

    That 's why this week I ' m speaking to you from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois , because few areas hold as much promise as what they 're focused on right here - harnessing American energy .

  10. 他们在一些叫贝鲁伍德、阿尔贡、奥马哈滩、萨莱诺的地方,在相隔半个地球之遥的瓜达卡钠尔、塔拉瓦、独排山、长津水岸和一个叫越南--有着许许多多稻田和丛林的地方献出了他们的生命。

    Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood , The Argonne , Omaha Beach , Salerno and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal , Tarawa , Pork Chop Hill , the Chosin Reservoir , and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam .