
  1. 罗哌卡因(ropivacaine,r)是一种新型长效酰胺类局部麻醉药,由瑞典阿斯特拉疼痛控制中心(astrapaincontrolab,sweden)研制开发。

    Ropivacaine is a long-acting amino amide class of local anesthetics , developed by Astra pain control ab , sweden .

  2. 尽管董事们一致支持这笔交易,但汤姆爵士他曾负责阿斯特拉(astra)和捷利康(zeneca)的合并警告称,跨境交易将更为复杂。

    Though directors unanimously supported the deal , sir Tom who had overseen the merger of Astra and Zeneca warned that a cross-border deal would be more complex .

  3. 在某一位置上,阿斯特拉号特作短暂的停留。

    At a certain point , the Astra will stop for a short time .

  4. 阿斯特拉的业务范围包括煤矿开采、棕榈油生产、汽车、银行业、收费公路、IT和出租车。

    Astra has interests in coal mining , palm oil production , cars , banking , toll roads , IT and taxis .

  5. 怡和在2000年收购了当时债台高筑的阿斯特拉的31%股份,现在它持有阿斯特拉50.1%的股份。

    Jardines first acquired 31 per cent of what was then a debt-ridden conglomerate in 2000 . Now it now owns 50.1 per cent .

  6. 阿斯特拉旗下有170家公司,员工超过18.5万人,但该集团中来自怡和的高管为数不多,多数供职于财务部门,这令怡和得以密切掌控该公司,但同时又相当低调。

    Astra has more than 185,000 employees in 170 companies , but there are only a handful of Jardines executives at the conglomerate , mostly in finance functions , enabling them to keep a tight grip but a low profile .

  7. 当英国的英捷利康医药公司和瑞典的阿斯特拉医药公司合并后,新的公司由于强大的联合研发能力而起死回生,不仅如此,新公司由于其各类产品中拥有全世界最畅销的罗塞克尔进一步增强实力。

    and when the UK pharmaceutical firm Zeneca merged with Swedish drug company Astra , the new companies started with strong R & D capabilities , further by the world 's best selling drug Losec in its portfolio of products .