
ā shì xué
  • ashi point
  1. 结论:阿是穴刺血能有效抑制外周疼痛介质K+、DA、5-HT的释放。

    Conclusion Pricking blood at Ashi points can effectively inhibit release of the peripheral pain mediums K ~ + , DA and 5-HT .

  2. 方法:采用完全随机抽样法将100例观察病例分为A、B、C3组,其中A组采用阿是穴邻点透刺加缠针震颤法。

    Methods : 100 cases were divided into 3 groups randomly . Group A used the way of twisting and shaking the needle of inserting to the abutting points .

  3. 本组检验方法采用t检验,经检验(P0.05),具有统计学意义。结论:1.艾灸循经筋阿是穴治疗组能够缓解膝骨性关节炎患者的临床症状。

    This group of test adopted the methods of T inspection , with statistical significance after inspection ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : 1 . Treatment group of Moxibustion through the meridian moxibustion Ashi point can alleviate the clinical symptoms of knee osteoarthritis . 2 .

  4. 出针后用玻璃火罐4~6个拔腰部阿是穴,留罐20min。

    After withdrawing the needle , 4 to 6 cupping glasses were used to at the Ah shih , retaining the cupping glass for 20 minutes .

  5. 三棱针点刺阿是穴治疗偏头痛疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of three-edged needling on point Ashi for migraine

  6. 阿是穴四花刺法治疗急性腰扭伤安全有效。

    Ashi points four thorns safe and effective treatment of acute lumbar sprain .

  7. 蜂针阿是穴与远部取穴治疗痹证的临床对照研究

    The Clinical Research of Treating Bi-syndrom with Nearby or Remote Bee Needle Therapy

  8. 并对阿是穴的含义、定位和临床取穴方法提出己见。

    And the definition , location and clinical location method of Ashi points are proposed .

  9. 针刺反阿是穴治疗运动损伤疼痛110例

    Acupuncture of the anti-ashi acupoint in the treatment of 110 patients with motion traumatic pain

  10. 阿是穴Nd:YAP激光镇痛拔牙术

    The use of Nd : YAP laser irradiation at Ashi point for analgesia in drawing-tooth

  11. 本体感神经肌肉易化牵伸与斜刺阿是穴治疗小腿三头肌延迟性肌肉酸痛症的效果比较

    Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching versus puncturing Ashi point for delayed-onset muscle soreness in triceps surae

  12. 即刻按摩反阿是穴治疗急性踝扭伤临床观察《灵枢》足外踝周围穴位处方对三焦元气补益作用的研究

    Instantly Massages the Counter-nerve Point Not Specified for Acupuncture Treatment Acute Malleolus to Sprain the Clinical Observation

  13. 八会穴针刺配合阿是穴扬刺治疗急性运动性踝关节扭伤49例

    Clinical Observation of Eight-Convergent Points and Ashi Point Centro-square Needling in Treating 49 Cases of Acute Exercise-induced Ankle Sprain

  14. 治疗组主穴取百会、太阳、率谷、风池、太溪、太冲、阿是穴。

    The treatment group main points to take BaiHui , TaiYang , ShuaiGu , FengChi , TaiChong and Ashi points .

  15. 可见,恢刺阿是穴治疗急性踝关节具有疗效肯定,优势明显,值得在临床上大力推广。

    Lateral puncture has curative effect in the treatment of acute ankle , obvious advantages , and is worth promoting in clinic .

  16. 取八会穴针刺配合阿是穴扬刺法治疗49例急性踝关节运动扭伤患者,疗程5~7天。

    Eight-convergent points following the meridians are selected to treat 49 cases of ankle sprain in sports , combining centro-square needling with Ashi point .

  17. 本文以阿是穴、曲池外关、条口透承山、阳陵泉为基本方治疗肩凝症。

    Ashi Point , Quchi point , Waiguan point , Tiaokou point through Chengshan point and Yanglingquan point are basic for frozen shoulder treatment .

  18. 结果通过形态学观察,各治疗组恢复情况均优于模型组,尤其以足三里+阿是穴组恢复情况最为理想,表现为损伤腓肠肌再生的速度和愈合的质量最好。

    Especially the combined Zusanli Ashi group which recovered the most ideally , with the damaged gastrocnemius muscle regeneration and healing of the best quality .

  19. 它具有和阿是穴相反的分布规律及特性,对软组织急慢性损伤均有较好的疗效。

    Anti Ashi acupoint is opposite to Ashi acupoint in its distribution and features , and it is effective against acute or chronic soft tissue injury .

  20. 反阿是穴疗法是在《内经》取穴原则的基础上,结合现代解剖学和临床经验总结出来的。

    Anti Ashi acupoint therapy is summarized on the basis of the acupoint selecting principles stated in Inner Classic as well as the modern anatomy and clinical experience .

  21. 治疗组采用火针点刺增生局部、阿是穴为主治疗,对照组采用传统毫针刺法治疗。

    The treatment group were treated with red-hot needle pricking at the proliferative parts and Ashi points as main , and the control group with filiform needle therapy .

  22. 电针主穴选择阿是穴、腰夹脊穴、大肠俞、环跳,并根据经络辨证和八纲脏腑辨证配穴。

    On the principle of meridian differentiation and eight-principle zang-fu organ differentiation , mainly choosing A-shi point , lumbar region jiaji point , large intestine shu , huantiao point .

  23. 阿是穴四花刺法改善患者疼痛、腰部活动度等方面的起效时间均早于常规手法,能更快地缓解病情。

    Ashi points four thorns method to improve pain , spinal mobility and other aspects of the onset time earlier than conventional methods , can quickly alleviate the condition . 3 .

  24. 针对目前针灸学界对于阿是穴概念模糊的问题,对阿是穴的起源及释义进行了文献上的考证,提出阿是穴不等同于压痛点及不定穴,天应穴;

    In the light of obscure conception of Ashi points in the circle of acupuncture and moxibustion at present , this article tries to clarify the origin and definition of Ashi points by textual research of literatures .

  25. 结论:1.阿是穴四花刺法是一种安全优效的治疗方法,操作安全性高,改善患者腰部疼痛、腰部活动度等方面有显著疗效,且优于常规手法。

    Ashi points four thorns is a safe effective treatment for superior , safe operation , improve patient back pain , spinal mobility and so on have significant effects , and superior to conventional methods . 2 .

  26. 治疗组根据病变的部位及症状选穴,主要以阿是穴、颈夹脊穴、秉风为主,加辨证取穴。

    Treatment group based on the site of the lesion and symptoms to choose the points . The mainly acupoints are Ashi , neck Jiaji , Bingfeng and plus acupoints based on overall analysis of symptoms and signs .

  27. 目的:观察针刺配合穴位按摩治疗弹响指的临床疗效。方法:27例弹响指患者均先接受穴位按摩的治疗,以阿是穴为主穴,并根据患指循经取穴。

    Objective : To observe the Clinical Effects of Treating Trigger Finger by Acupuncture and Points MassageMethod : 27 cases of Trigger Finger patients were treated with acu-points massage first , ouch point and point selection according to the channel .

  28. 方法采用腕踝针针患侧上肢5、6区,配合肩关节主动和被动运动,而后用温针灸肩关节周围的明显压痛点(即阿是穴);

    Methods Areas 5 and 6 on the affected arm were needled by wrist-ankle acupuncture with active and passive movement of the shoulder joint and then a marked tenderness point around the shoulder joint ( namely Ashi point ) was given warming acupuncture through moxibustion .