
  • Alibaba;Ali Baba;Alibaba.com
  1. 2014年9月19日,阿里巴巴在纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)上市,通过IPO筹集了250亿美元,这是美国历史上规模最大的IPO。

    On Sept. 19,2014 Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange , raising $ 25 billion through an IPO , the biggest in the US history .

  2. 马云最喜欢的这句话被印在了阿里巴巴的纪念T恤上。

    Ma ' s favorite line has been printed on Alibaba 's souvenir T-shirts .

  3. 但15年后,阿里巴巴已发展成为全球最大的电子商务公司。

    But 15 years later , Alibaba has developed into the world 's largest e-commerce company .

  4. 四年后,包括马云、他的妻子和他的朋友在内的18人在杭州创立了阿里巴巴。

    Four years later , 18 people including Ma , his wife and his friends founded Alibaba in Hangzhou .

  5. 新零售方式最近的一个例子就是今年2月阿里巴巴和总部在上海的大型零售企业百联集团宣布建立战略伙伴关系。

    A latest example is a strategic partnership5 announced in February between Alibaba and Bailian Group Co Ltd , a retail conglomerate6 headquartered in Shanghai .

  6. 用阿里巴巴创始人兼主席马云的话说,新零售就是让实体商业和虚拟商业的差别不复存在。

    In the words of Jack2 Ma , founder3 and chairman of e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd , New Retail is making the distinction between physical and virtual commerce obsolete4 .

  7. 中国电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团(alibabagroup)已同意入股国内一家搜索引擎公司。

    Alibaba group , the Chinese e-commerce company , has agreed to buy into a locally developed search engine .

  8. 中国阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的CEO马云也是人选之一。雅虎在该集团持有43%的股份。

    Jack Ma is CEO of China 's Alibaba Group , in which Yahoo has a43 % stake .

  9. 据CLSAResearch,阿里巴巴是中国电子商务市场中的龙头老大,去年的市场占有率大约80%。

    Alibaba dominates Chinese e-commerce , with about 80 % of the market last year , according to CLSA Research .

  10. 当然,雅虎在阿里巴巴IPO过程中只需出售约9%的股权。

    Granted , Yahoo only has to part with about 9 % of Alibaba in the IPO .

  11. 阿里巴巴在提交给SEC的文件中称,其云服务每分钟可以处理360万次计算请求。

    The Alibaba S.E.C. filing says its cloud does 3.6 million computing transactions a minute .

  12. 作为雅虎中国(yahoochina)门户网站与阿里巴巴合并交易的一部分,雅虎于2005年成为这家私营互联网集团的最大股东。

    Yahoo became the largest shareholder in Alibaba in 2005 as part of a deal in which it merged its Yahoo China portal into the private internet group .

  13. 阿里巴巴协助操办了葬礼,2000多名员工出席葬礼,创始人马云(jackma)也亲自到场。

    Alibaba has co-ordinated the funeral , which is attended by more than 2000 employees as well as Alibaba founder Jack Ma .

  14. 比如汽车行业的吉利(Geely)和电子商务领域的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和淘宝(Taobao)。

    Think Geely in autos or Alibaba Taobao in e-commerce .

  15. 雅虎将保留最后的10%股份,在阿里巴巴ipo之后按照市场价出售。

    Yahoo will retain its final 10 per cent stake to be sold at market prices after the IPO .

  16. 过去6个月,阿里巴巴在这个方向上已经做出了很大的努力,推出了一个称作exporttochina的服务,为海外卖家提供虚拟的中文店铺。

    In the past six months , Alibaba has made a big push in this direction with a programme called export to China , which offers non-Chinese sellers Virtual Chinese - language storefronts .

  17. 上周,在科技博客AllThingsD召开的会议上,阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)CEO马云称对雅虎非常感兴趣。

    At a conference hosted by all things d last week , Alibaba CEO Jack Ma said that he was interested in Yahoo .

  18. 分析师们认为,阿里巴巴集团(alibabagroup)的在线零售分支淘宝网(taobao),正在更积极地与百度开展竞争。

    Analysts believe that Taobao , an online retail arm of Alibaba group , is getting more aggressive in competing with Baidu .

  19. 他还以阿里巴巴的CEO马云为榜样,因为马云也把公司设在自己的故乡。

    He wants to imitate Ma Yun , CEO of Alibaba , who set up a business in his beloved hometown .

  20. 分析人士表示,随着监管规定的实施,大型参与者将受益,例如阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的金融业务浙江蚂蚁小微金融服务公司(ZhejiangAntSmall&MicroFinancialServices)。

    As regulation takes effect , analysts say big players such as Alibaba 's finance affiliate , Zhejiang Ant Small & Micro Financial Services , stand to benefit .

  21. 过去一年里,阿里巴巴与ebay一直在寻找合作的机会。

    Over the past year , Alibaba and eBay have looked at opportunities for co-operation .

  22. 这一规模与Facebook基本相当,不过阿里巴巴的增长速度更快。Facebook去年营收增长55%。

    That 's roughly as much revenue as Facebook , but Alibaba is growing faster ; Facebook grew 55 % last year .

  23. 了解“11Main”成立过程的一位人士警告说,不宜将其描述为阿里巴巴进军美国的行动,他表示,尽管新网站由阿里巴巴全资所有,但将由其两家子公司独立运营。

    A person with knowledge of the 11 Main launch cautioned against portraying it as a foray by Alibaba into the US , saying that despite having full ownership the venture wouild be run independently by its two subsidiaries .

  24. 多年来,雅虎市值的绝大部分都来自于其在亚洲网络公司阿里巴巴和雅虎日本(YahooJapan)的持股。

    For years , the vast majority of Yahoo 's market valuation has been tied to its stakes in Asian Web companies Alibaba and Yahoo Japan .

  25. 我们应当关注的另一个问题是阿里巴巴的IPO,预计该公司明年就会上市。

    Another situation we should be watching is the Alibaba IPO , which is expected to take place within the next year .

  26. 阿里巴巴的创始人和董事长马云(JackMa)在一封给员工的信件中称,年商品交易额将在5年后超过1万亿美元。

    Jack Ma , chairman and founder , predicted in a letter to employees that annual gross merchandise volume would exceed $ 1tn in five years .

  27. 移动业务也将是阿里巴巴面临最激烈竞争的领域,尤其是来自腾讯(Tencent)的竞争。

    Mobile is also where Alibaba will encounter the fiercest competition , notably from archrival Tencent .

  28. 作为其调查的一部分,SEC对阿里巴巴报告的未经审计的光棍节巨大销售额提出了问题。

    As part of its probe the SEC has asked about the large unaudited sales numbers Alibaba publishes for Singles Day .

  29. 在阿里巴巴早期的时候,随着eBay进一步深入中国市场,马云感觉到了威胁。

    As eBay pushed further into the Chinese market during Alibaba 's early years , Ma felt threatened .

  30. 雅虎的中国是由中国电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)运营的,雅虎持有阿里巴巴40%股份。

    Yahoo 's China operations are run by Alibaba , the Chinese e-commerce company in which Yahoo holds a40 per cent stake .