
  • 网络Aya;Ah Ya;Arya;Chetan Ahya
  1. 阿雅巴塔也在它的论《阿雅巴提雅》作出了暗示。

    Aryabhata has suggested it in his treatise aryabhattiya .

  2. 这些狩猎照片已经在阿雅娜的主页上引起了激烈的讨论。

    These safari hunt pictures have caused an onslaught of debates on Aryanna 's page .

  3. 他们最小的女儿,两岁大的阿雅娜,今天清晨获救&也是她的父亲拼死用身体保护了她、自己身亡。

    The youngest daughter , two-year-old Alyahna , was rescued by her mother from beneath the body of Mr Sanson-Rejouis this morning .

  4. 艾米丽的异父姐姐凯若琳告诉澳洲广播公司说,救回的阿雅那急需医疗救治。

    Ms Sanson-Rejouis 's stepsister , Caroline Larnach , told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the little girl was needed medical help .

  5. 马哈茂德不能立即地抱住阿雅,因为她被送去了重症监护&他不停地问她是否还好,她是不是有10根手指和脚趾。

    Mahmoud couldn 't hold Aya straight away because she was taken into intensive care – he kept asking if she was okay and whether she had10 fingers and toes .

  6. 过了一段时间,我遇见律师朋友,他身边的助理变少了,也没有那种像阿雅一样笑脸迎人的类型。

    After some time , I met my friend again and realized that his assistants were fewer . I could not see any assistant like Yuky who always kept smiles in the face .

  7. 其中有个叫做阿雅的女孩,我头一次见到她,她捧着好多档案匣,像表演特技似的,从楼梯上下来。

    Among them there was a girl called Yuky . I remember the first time I saw her , she was holding a lot of file boxes and coming down the stairs as if performing tricks .

  8. 该主页上贴出的照片包括一脸喜悦的阿雅娜站在长颈鹿尸体旁边并用手抬着它的头,还有她射杀的斑马,羚羊,角马和熊等动物的照片。

    Images posted to the Braids and Bows Facebook include a beaming Aryanna standing next to a dead giraffe and she holds the animal 's head up , a dead zebra , an antelope , a wildebeest and a bear - among others .