
lù jūn dà chén
  • secretary of state for war
  1. 交给陆军大臣,斯蒂芬回过头来补充一句。

    To the secretary of state for war , Stephen added over his shoulder .

  2. 这就是那些将军和陆军大臣商谈的绝对机密。

    Here , then , was the deadly secret which the Generals , had talked over with their Secretary of State for War .

  3. 当时的陆军大臣,参加过奥斯特里茨战役的苏尔特元帅,带着阴郁的神情注视着这一切。

    The Minister of War at that time , Marshal Soult , who had seen Austerlitz , regarded this with a gloomy air .

  4. 陆军大臣呼吁志愿者加入国防民兵的电台广播还未结束,各地警察局已有应募者纷至沓来。

    Recruits started pouring into their local police stations even before the Secretary of State for War had finished the radio broadcast calling for volunteers for the Home Guard .

  5. 两处都触了霉头之后,于是陆军大臣来巡视了,参谋总长来指挥了,算是暂时地协调了一下。

    After the enemy came to grief at both places , the Japanese minister of war arrived on an inspection tour and the chief of general staff turned up to take charge , and for the moment , it seemed , there was co-ordination .