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  1. 印度塔塔汽车公司对陆虎和捷豹品牌的辛苦收购就是最近一个不如人意的例子

    Tata Motor 's travails with Land Rover and Jaguar spring to mind as recent less-than-favorable examples .

  2. 作者是捷豹陆虎首席执行官

    The writer is chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover

  3. 塔塔集团最抢眼的收购行动包括去年买下钢铁公司CORUS,以及今年早些时候从福特手中购入捷豹和陆虎这两个高端品牌。

    Tata 's most high-profile acquisitions were its takeover of steel maker Corus last year , and the purchase of Jaguar and Land Rover earlier this year .

  4. 这是一辆昂贵的改装运动版陆虎。

    There was a very expensive modified range rover sport .

  5. 陆虎的一个弱点同时也是最大的一个弱点就是可靠性问题。

    Land Rover 's one weak point-but it 's a big one-is reliability .

  6. 点评陆虎75型

    A Comment on Rover 75

  7. 麦迪逊表示,其他竞购捷豹和陆虎的私人股权投资公司也表示会尽量控制裁员规模。但塔塔汽车凭藉其过往历史赢得了工会的支持。

    He said the other private-equity bidders also said they would try to limit layoffs , but the unions support Tata Motors because of its history .

  8. 塔塔汽车最后可能会将捷豹和陆虎两个品牌引入印度,而对外出口自有品牌汽车。该公司期望,其自有品牌长期而言能创造利润。

    Eventually , it may bring Jaguars and Land Rovers to India and sell its own cars overseas , which the company hopes will translate into profits over the longer term .