
  1. 他们没遇到像我这样的中国人。陈冠明说。

    They couldn 't find a Chinese one , Mr Chen said .

  2. 伦敦特别的漂亮。陈冠明说。

    London is especially beautiful , he says .

  3. 早在2008年奥运会之前,陈冠明就进行过反乱丢废物的游行,他鼓励人们保护他们所居住的环境。

    Ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games he led a personal crusade against littering , encouraging people to respect their environment .

  4. 为了达成目标,2001年,在中国申奥成功后,陈冠明从他的村子出发,骑车到达北京。

    To achieve this , he cycled to Beijing from his village , Erchen , in 2001 when China 's bid was successful .

  5. 比斯顿将陈冠明带到了中国的唐人街,陈冠明给大家讲了他的故事。唐人街的人们纷纷表示了对陈冠明的敬佩之情并为他提供了住宿的地方。

    He took him to Soho 's Chinatown where Mr Chen told his story and has since been showered with admiration and offers of accommodation .

  6. 在两年里,陈冠明骑行了约60000公里,途径16个国家,经历过洪水、战争,爬山涉水,忍受过零下30度的低温。

    In two years Chen Guanming travelled about 60000km through 16 countries , overcoming floods , war zones , mountain passes and temperatures of - 30C .

  7. 穿越过巴基斯坦,阿富汗和伊朗,陈冠明到达了零下30摄氏度的土耳其,在那儿,他被暴风雪围堵了四天。

    Having crossed Pakistan , Afghanistan and Iran he ended up in Turkey where it was - 30C and he says he spent four days snowed in .

  8. 在马来西亚、泰国、越南时,陈冠明每天得多次拧干他汗湿的衣服。

    In the first countries - Malaysia , Thailand and Vietnam - he had to wring his clothes out seven or eight times a day because of the sweat .

  9. 比斯顿先生,是一位保险经纪人,曾经出差去过中国。他懂一些汉语,所以可以和不懂英语的陈冠明交谈。

    Mr Beeston , who runs an insurance brokers and travels to China on business , was able to chat to Mr Chen who is unable to speak English .

  10. 考虑到一路走来他为奥运会所付出的一切努力,如果这个时候再去问陈冠明周五去现场观看奥运会开幕式是否很“困难”,那就显得太傻了。

    Asking Mr Chen if he thinks it will be " difficult " to take part in the ceremony on Friday seems crass given the scale of his achievement in coming this far .

  11. 陈冠明的三轮车上挂着一些他在世界各地著名地标留影的照片,还挂着一个横幅,横幅上写着他的旅行跨越140000公里,包括中国在内。

    Mr Chen has pictures on his three-wheeled rickshaw of him posing in front of international landmarks and a banner saying he is on a journey of 140000km ( 86992 miles ) - which includes China .

  12. 陈冠明的故事听起来很不可思议,很多人不相信。但来自于中国东部江苏省的57岁的陈冠明有护照,有环游世界的简报和记录旅行信息的书籍,来证明他的故事是真实的。

    His story sounds so fantastical that few would give it house room , but the 57-year-old from Jiangsu province in eastern China , has the passport , press cuttings and book full of messages from around the world , to testify to his feat .