
  • 网络Kalok Chan;Nel;Carlos Chan;Billy Chan;Carlos
  1. 陈家乐是一名地地道道的金融学教授,他在香港的数家公共机构任职,包括从2008年到2010年在亚洲金融协会(AsianFinanceAssociation)担任会长。

    A finance professor through and through , Prof Chan has played a role on several public bodies in Hong Kong , including the Asian Finance Association , where he was president from 2008 to 2010 .

  2. 从陈家乐(KalokChan)面带稚气地从香港中文大学(CUHK)毕业,到他在2014年重返该校商学院,时间已经过去了近28年。

    It was almost 28 years after Kalok Chan left the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a fresh-faced graduate that he returned to its business school in 2014 .

  3. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一&与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes & the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  4. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一——与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes - the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  5. 陈家乐现在希望在香港中文大学也实施这一战略。

    It is a strategy that Prof Chan now hopes to implement at CUHK .

  6. 陈家乐总结道:我的优先事项是改善学院及其课程。

    My priority is to improve the school and its programmes , concludes Prof Chan .

  7. 陈家乐承认,那时香港中文大学在吸引精英学者方面没有竞争力。

    Prof Chan admits that at the time CUHK could not compete in attracting elite scholars .

  8. 但陈家乐相信,较早把目光投向中国内地市场给该学院带来了优势。

    But the early focus on China has brought advantages to the school , believes Prof Chan .

  9. 这种全球视角与陈家乐在该学院就读本科时大不相同。

    This global perspective is a far cry from Prof Chan 's undergraduate days at the school .

  10. 陈家乐表示,目标是将东、西方的商学院结合起来。

    The aim , says Prof Chan , is to bring together schools from the east and the west .

  11. 这次陈家乐既不是当学生,甚至也不是当教授,而是作为新任命的院长走马上任。

    This time it was not as a student or even a professor , but as its newly appointed dean .

  12. 陈家乐教授表示,在亚洲,此次危机让金融教育者和培训者获得一个喘息的空间。

    In Asia , says Prof Chan , the crisis has simply given financial educators and trainers a breathing space .

  13. 陈家乐坦承,今后创办此类课程将比过去更为困难。

    Prof Chan is the first to acknowledge that establishing such programmes will be more difficult than in the old days .

  14. 陈家乐表示,目标是“将东、西方的商学院结合起来”。

    The aim , says Prof Chan , is to " bring together schools from the east and the west . "

  15. 陈家乐坦承,今后创办此类课程将比“过去”更为困难。

    Prof Chan is the first to acknowledge that establishing such programmes will be more difficult than in " the old days . "

  16. 从许多方面来说,陈家乐面临的挑战与堪培拉、剑桥或康涅狄格的商学院院长面临的挑战非常类似。

    In many ways the challenges faced by Prof Chan are very similar to those faced by a dean in Canberra , Cambridge or Connecticut .

  17. 邀其出任商学院院长,并不是香港中文大学第一次请陈家乐重返母校。

    The offer of the deanship at the school was not the first time CUHK had tried to lure Prof Chan back to teach at his alma mater .

  18. 在俄亥俄州立大学攻读完博士学位之后,陈家乐先是在美国工作,随后回到香港,加入香港科技大学金融系,后来担任该系主任。

    Following his PhD at Ohio State University , Kalok Chan worked in the US before returning to Hong Kong to join Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 's finance department , of which he later became head .