
Of Ding Ling 's and Chen Ran 's Novels : Cultural Intention
Both You Dafu and Chen Ran are two outstanding authors in the field of writing novel concerning privacy in the early and late period of this century .
Chen Ran and many other female writes all immersed in , listened , watched and within it , or tangible or intangible , they emerged similar characteristics to the narrative with Duras speech .
She once said that her novels is affected by the west philosophy and spirit analytical theory and aimed at discovering the relation between the human being and nature to show the jam of survivorship of human being .
Firstly as far as the study of the woman 's literature is concerned , too much attention has been paid on the Private Novel , which was created by Chen Ran , Lin Bai and so forth .
In the Chinese literary circles , Chen Ran , Lin Bai appeared to represent the first generation of writers of " the body writing ", Wei Hui , Mian Mian the second generation and Chun Shu , Muzi Mei the third generation .
Neo-Feminist Novel , taking LIN Bai , CHEN Ran , XU Xiao-bin , XU Kun as its representatives , is the most noticeable literature-culture landscape which symbolizes feminine awareness criticizing cultural center of male chauvinism , and that feminine writing has developed from non-consciousness to historical scenery .